How to Deploy and Connect to Linus Virtual Machine in Azure: Step by Step Guide

Celestina Odili - Jun 21 - - Dev Community

Table of Contents
Create (Deploy) Linus Virtual Machine
Connect to Linus Virtual Machine

This guide shows how to deploy and connect a Linus virtual machine running Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS-x64 Gen2 using SSH public key through Azure portal.

Create (Deploy) Linus Virtual Machine

Step 1: Sign in to Azure portal

Go to and sign in. If you do not have a subscription yet, click here for sign up for free.

Step 2: Create a Linus Virtual Machine (VM)

a) Create a virtual machine
On the Home menu, click create a resource.

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Locate virtual machine and click create.

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This will open the basic tab of the create a virtual machine page.

b) Configure the VM Basics

Under the project details, select the subscription, create new resource group with any name of your choice or use an existing one.

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Under Instance details, type a name for the VM and select a region. For the availability option, choose No infrastructure redundancy required. select standard for security type. For the image, select Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS-x64 Gen2. leave the size at default.

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Under Administrator account, select SSH public key then enter a username. You can use the default username if you wish. Select Generate new key pair for the SSH public key source and RSA SSH format for the SSH key type. Give a name for the key pair name. The default name is usually your VM name_key. You can change it if desired.

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Under Inbound port rules, select Allow selected ports and check HTTP (80) and SSH (22) from the drop down.

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c) Configure other Tabs (optional)
Having completed the basics tab then click review + create at the bottom of the page to provision the virtual machine or review each tab for full customization. Here, we will leave the other tabs at default setting.

Step 3: Review and Create (Deploy)

Click review and create at the bottom of the page.

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Review the details and click create.
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After validation is passed, a Generate new key pair window will open. Select Download Private key and create resource.

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Your key file will be downloaded with a .pem extension.

**Note: **The location of the key file downloaded should be noted for easy connection through the terminal. You will need to reference the path when connecting to your VM.

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Connect to Linus Virtual Machine

Step 1: Get Public IP Address.

When deployment is completed, click Go to resource.

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On the new Linus VM, copy the public IP address

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Step 2: Connect to the Virtual Machine

Create an SSH connection with the virtual machine. To achieve this, you will run a few commands in terminals. For a Mac or Linus user, use Bash prompt and set read-only permission on the .pem file. For windows user, use PowerShell or CMD and run as administrator.

When prompted on your opened terminal, open SSH connection by typing
ssh -i the path to the private key (the.pem file downloaded) username@public IP address
for example,
ssh -i "C:\Users\HP\Documents\Tina files\Linus-VM_key.pem" azureuser@

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If your connection is successful, you will get a welcome message.

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To test if your VM is working, run a simple command to update the VM and install a web application (NGINX).

a) Update the VM
Type sudo apt-get -y update
and press enter
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b) Install NGINX
Type sudo apt-get -y install nginx
and press enter

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c) View in Browser

Open a browser and enter the public IP address of the VM created. The web application will open.

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