We built this Comfy Twitch Chat Module live on Twitch for Coding Cafe!
Special Thanks: Comfy.JS is possible thanks to tmi.js maintained by @AlcaDesign
Comfy.JS lets you integrate with Twitch chat for your Twitch channel SUPER EASILY in just a few lines of code. Here's a quick 3-min video on how to use it: (Click image to open video)
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Come and hang out with us at the Comfiest Corner on Twitch!
- Install
npm install comfy.js --save
- Respond to !commands your channel
var ComfyJS = require("comfy.js");
ComfyJS.onCommand = ( user, command, message, flags, extra ) => {
if( flags.broadcaster && command === "test" ) {
console.log( "!test was typed