Every Tuesday we round up the previous week's top posts based on traffic, engagement, and a hint of editorial curation. The typical week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday, but don't worry, we take into account posts that are published later in the week.
Automated Daily Standups for Devs
It's time for a standup! Do these words make you panic? Luckily, @codewithbernard has developed Gitinerary to help us spend less time stressing over tracking our progress and make it easier for us to show our work to the team.
I Automated Daily Standups for Developers
Bernard Bado ・ Dec 8 '22
AI-generated Docs for JavaScript
If you're dealing with a poorly documented codebase, consider checking out @lgrammel's JS Assistant for Visual Studio Code. With two new AI-powered features: AI-generated JS-Doc comments and AI-generated explanations for code snippets, you'll hopefully have an easier time making sense of things.
AI-generated explanations and documentation for JavaScript code
Lars Grammel for P42 ・ Dec 8 '22
Dirty Secrets of the IT Staffing Industry
Speaking from personal experience in the recruiting industry, @heyjtk reveals to us the deep, dark, hidden dysfunction that goes on in staffing agencies.
How to Test GraphQL API
You've just created a GraphQL API and are ready to test it. But where do you start? How do you know if it's working correctly? Have no fear, @j471n walks you through the process of testing your GraphQL API in this excellent tutorial.
Why Not Move to TypeScript?
@codewithvoid asked why more folks aren’t using TypeScript. After sorting through ~100 replies, here are some of the most common answers!
I’ve Got 99 Problems but Learning TypeScript Ain’t One
Void⚡ ・ Dec 7 '22
Using Notion as a Software Dev
Ever since @zt4ff_1 discovered Notion, it has become one of their most used tools. From its markdown editor to its syntax highlighting, Notion is very dev-friendly. Check it out and see if you'd like to add it to your dev tool belt.
How I use Notion as a Software Developer
Kayode ・ Dec 10 '22
Angular Needs a Reactive Primitive
Angular developers have waited 7 years for better integration with RxJS, but this doesn't seem to be happening. Instead, the Angular team wants its own reactive primitive that can't even handle asynchronous reactivity. Though skeptical at first, @mfp22 now believes this will provide a better developer experience overall.
I changed my mind. Angular needs a reactive primitive
Mike Pearson for This is Angular ・ Dec 7 '22
That's it for our weekly Top 7 for this Tuesday! Keep an eye on dev.to this week for daily content and discussions...and be sure to keep an eye on this series in the future. You might just be in it!