Differences between Ethereum’s send/transfer/call functions

lio - Aug 31 - - Dev Community

There are three main funtions that have been used — historically and contemporarily — to transfer Ether (ETH) across Ethereum’s decentralized network. We shall do a quick deep dive into them and explain their benefits and constraints, in hope of creating a more secure network.

  • send

Send is now deprecated but was used to send Ether to any EOA or contract address. In Solidity, it is written thus: address.send(amount). The send function returns true if the transfer was successful, else, it returns false.

The send function has a hard gas limit of 2300 gas, which it uses to log an event or write to storage. In error handling, send does not revert the transaction on failure, hence,your smart contract must handle any error manually.

A helpful analogy:
Imagine you’re trying to send money using an old age Nigerian banking service. This platform tries to send the money but doesn’t t tell you whether it was successful or not. You have to manually check your balance afterward to see if the transfer happened or not.

Under the Hood:
The send function internally uses the CALL opcode with a gas limit of 2300. It initiates a transfer of Ether without invoking any function, and because of the limited gas, it prevents complex operations (like modifying storage) in the recipient contract.

Code Scenario:


contract Send {
    function sendEther(address payable _to) public returns (bool) {
        bool sent = _to.send(1 ether);
        return sent; // Returns true if successful, false otherwise.
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Here, the _to variable is the account you are transferring Ether to and you must ensure it is a payable address.

Use Case:
When to Use: The send function was used when interacting with contracts that could potentially fail (e.g., contracts with complex fallback functions), especially when you want a fail-safe method of sending Ether.

Security Consideration: Since send does not revert on failure, it is safer against re-entrancy attacks, but it requires careful error handling. However, it has been deprecated so its use is heavily discouraged.

  • transfer

The transfer function sends Ether to an address and reverts on failure. Its syntax is address.transfer(amount). It has no return value and consumes only 2300 gas, no matter the transaction. Transfer automatically reverts failed transactions, making it easier to confirm if the operation was successful or not.

Helpful analogy:
Transfer is like using a more reliable fintech that ensures the transfer is totally successful or unsuccessful, without changing account state), and protecting you from partial or duplicate transfers.

Code Scenario


contract Transfer {
    function transferEther(address payable _to) public {
        _to.transfer(1 ether); // Will revert on failure.
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The to variable also performs the same function as in send.

Under the Hood:
The transfer function also uses the CALL opcode, similar to send, but with a fixed gas stipend of 2300. It’s essentially an abstraction over CALL that automatically reverts the transaction if the transfer fails, providing an added layer of safety.

Use Case: We use transfer when we want to ensure that our Ether transfer either succeeds or reverts.

Security Consideration: transfer is safe from reentrancy attacks due to its low gas limit. However, the gas limit can cause issues when the contracts requires more gas to handle received Ether.

  • call

Call is a low-level function to call other contracts' functions or just sending Ether. Call's syntax is a bit more complex: (bool success, bytes memory data) = address.call{value: amount}("data"). It returns a tuple with a boolean indicating a successful transaction and a bytes array containing any returned data.

The call function uses up all available gas unless a gas limit is specified by the msg.sender. Call does not automatically revert on failure, thus, you must handle the error manually.

Helpful Analogy:
Using call is like using a futuristic banking platform service that not only allows you to send money but also executes a function in the recipient’s account on your behalf. However, you must verify that the operation was successful and perform additional logic if so.


contract Call {
    function callFunction(address payable _to) public returns (bool, bytes memory) {
        (bool success, bytes memory data) = _to.call{value: 1 ether}("");
        return (success, data); // You need to check success and handle errors.
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Here, you are accepting a tuple containing a boolean and a bytes variable. These two variables store the return value of the transaction (true/false) and any additional returned data.

Use Case: Use call when you want to interact with other contracts, particularly when you have to invoke a function in the contract or c a consume a larger amount of gas.

Security Consideration: call is susceptible to re-entrancy attacks because it forwards all available gas by default, allowing a malicious user to call the function over and over from your contract and potentially use up the Ether un your account. Cconsider implementing re-entrancy guards when using call.

Under the Hood:
The call function uses the CALL opcode, but unlike send and transfer, it forwards all available gas by default. This makes THE function very versatile, allowing developers to execute any arbitrary code on the target address. Unfortuantely, that comes at a cost as there is the risk of reentrancy attacks if your code is not properly written.

Breakdown of the CALL Opcode:
CALL is a general-purpose opcode used for inter-conract interaction. Here’s how it works in the context of these three functions:

Gas: Amount of gas to forward to the callee.
Address: Recipient of the call.
Value: Amount of Ether to send.
Input Data: Additional data (empty for send and transfer).
Output Data: Storage location of the return data (if any).

Return Value:
Success: A boolean indicating whether the call succeeded.
Calldata: Output data (used primarily in call).


send and transfer use CALL with a fixed gas expenditure of 2300, with transfer adding automatic reversion on failure.
call uses the CALL opcode and forwards all available gas by default, making it highly flexible but increasing its security risks.
In all cases, the opcode underlying these functions is CALL, but how it is configured (especially in terms of gas and error handling) defines the behavior of each Solidity function.

send/transfer/call functions comparisons

Understanding these key differences will help you use each function where appropriate and enable you write more secure and reliable smart contracts on Ethereum's decentralized blockchain.

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