A Beginner’s Guide to Subnetting, CIDR, Network, and Hosts

Vivesh - Nov 3 - - Dev Community

Subnetting and CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) are essential concepts for organizing IP addresses within networks, particularly in large-scale environments. In this article, we’ll dive into subnetting, CIDR, network and host addresses, and how subnetting can be effectively done.

1. Understanding IP Addresses

An IP address (Internet Protocol address) is a unique identifier for a device on a network. IP addresses are composed of two main parts:

  • Network portion: Identifies the network.
  • Host portion: Identifies the specific device within that network.

For example, in IPv4 (such as, there are 32 bits divided into four octets, each with 8 bits.

2. What is Subnetting?

Subnetting is the process of dividing a larger network into smaller, more manageable subnetworks, or subnets. This is done by borrowing bits from the host portion to expand the network portion of the address, allowing more specific divisions within the main network.

Why Subnetting is Useful

  • Efficient IP management: Reduces IP address waste by allowing customization for different segments.
  • Security: Isolates network segments, reducing exposure.
  • Performance: Limits broadcast traffic within each subnet, improving speed.

3. CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing)

CIDR notation simplifies how subnet masks are represented. Instead of using the traditional subnet mask format, CIDR uses a suffix to indicate the number of bits in the network portion.

For example, an IP address like tells us that the first 24 bits represent the network, leaving 8 bits for the host portion. This notation enables flexible subnetting that doesn’t depend on predefined IP classes (A, B, or C).

Subnet Masks and CIDR Notation

  • /24 in CIDR translates to a subnet mask of
  • /16 means the subnet mask is
  • /8 represents a subnet mask of
CIDR Notation Subnet Mask Number of Hosts IP Range Example
/24 254 -
/16 65,534 -
/8 16,777,214 -

4. Network and Host Addresses

Each subnet has two main parts:

  • Network address: The first IP in the range, representing the subnet.
  • Broadcast address: The last IP in the range, used to reach all hosts in the subnet.

Calculating Hosts

For any given subnet, the number of possible hosts can be calculated with the formula:

2^{\text{number of host bits}} - 2
The -2 is because the first address is reserved for the network, and the last for the broadcast.

For example, with a /24 subnet mask (8 bits for the host portion):
2^8 - 2 = 254 \text{ usable hosts}

5. How to Do Subnetting

Subnetting begins by determining the subnet mask, then calculating network ranges and usable IPs.

Example Subnetting Scenario

Suppose you have a network and need to divide it into 4 smaller subnets.

  1. Step 1: Decide on Subnet Sizes

    • /24 ( allows for 254 hosts. By borrowing additional bits, we can create smaller subnets.
    • Borrowing 2 bits makes it /26 (, allowing for 4 subnets with 64 addresses each.
  2. Step 2: Calculate Each Subnet’s Range

    • Starting with
      • Subnet 1: -
      • Subnet 2: -
      • Subnet 3: -
      • Subnet 4: -
  3. Step 3: Identify Network and Broadcast Addresses

    • For each subnet, the first address is the network, and the last is the broadcast. The IPs between are usable for hosts.
  4. Step 4: Apply the Subnet Mask

    • A /26 subnet mask is Use this for all four subnets.

6. Tips for Successful Subnetting

  • Practice: Subnetting can be tricky; practice with different scenarios.
  • Use CIDR Notation: It simplifies subnetting and ensures you’re less reliant on traditional classes.
  • Double-check: Always verify your calculations for network and broadcast addresses.


Subnetting and CIDR are foundational for network segmentation, making IP management efficient and scalable. By dividing networks into manageable subnets, organizations can improve security, optimize resources, and facilitate better performance. Mastering these concepts will not only aid in network administration but is also critical knowledge for any IT or network professional.

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