Learning Python-Basic course: Day 17, Summary of the week and Insertion sort.

Aatmaj - Jul 16 '21 - - Dev Community

🤟Today we will learn about the insertion sort code, then write a program to change capital and small cases.

Summary of the week

  • Day 14- we covered the try catch statements, and basic exception handling. Advanced exception handling and types of exceptions, user defined exceptions is for later.
  • Day 15- We solved some creative questions based on try catch and learnt about nesting them. We also saw one really challenging question related to try except here.
  • Day 16 We solved more questions on lists now with the added power of try except. We covered questions like fractal lists, alphabetical order of lists and reversing lists.

Insertion sort.

Insertion sort is a simple sorting algorithm. It works similar to the way you sort cards. If you are new to this algorithm, check out this link.

for i in range(1, len(a)):
    #key = a[i]
    for j in range(0,i):
Set the key equal to the first unsorted value.
Compare the key and the sorted elements.
Move the key to the required position.
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[5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
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The code enclosed in block comments ''' is block comments. Whenever working in teams, such documentation is of critical. More about it here.

For those who are new to Data structures and algorithms, please check out this course on dev.to.-Data structure & algorithms Series' Articles


We did the alphabetical ordering yesterday(In case you missed it- here) Replace the sorted() method used in it with insertion sort. Answer here

Sample question
1) Capital to Small Write a program to turn capital letters into small case and small case to capital case in a list.

for i in range(0,4):
    a.append(ord(input("Please enter a letter ")))
for i in range (0,len(a)):
 if(65<=a[i]<=65+26): #65=A
    #65=A, 97=a 
 elif(97<=a[i]<=97+26): #65=A
    print("Error. Please enter only characters.")
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Please enter a letter a
Please enter a letter B
Please enter a letter c
Please enter a letter D
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This is an example of error handling using if-else statements.

✌️So friends that's all for now. 😊 Hope you all are having fun.😎 Please let me know in the comment section below 👇. And don't forget to like the post if you did. 😍 I am open to any suggestions or doubts. 🤠 Just post in the comments below or gmail me. 😉
Thank you all👍

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Next day will begin from Tuesday📅, Monday is reserved for.... MATLAB MONDAYS💥

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