Brief Overview of the Importance of Frontend Technologies in Modern Web Development

Abel Osaretin - Jun 29 - - Dev Community


Frontend technologies play a crucial role in modern web development by defining how users interact with web applications. They are responsible for the visual and interactive aspects of a website or application, and they directly affect user experience and satisfaction. So picking the right frontend technology is crucial for the survival of your website or application.

Major Frontend Technologies.

There are a lot of frontend frameworks available today, web development has gone far from the days of using direct HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create websites. There are libraries and frameworks that make use of the basic technology as a foundation for building interesting and unique websites, that do not affect speed and optimization. E.g.

  • React Js.

  • Vue Js.

  • Angular.

  • Svelte. etc.

Today I will focus on React Js and Angular.


  1. React Js: This libary was developed by Facebook in March 2013, the key focus was to address several challenges faced in web development, particularly in building large-scale, high-performance web applications with complex user interfaces.

  2. Angular: The angular framework was developed by Google in 2016, the aim was to provide a comprehensive framework for building dynamic, single-page applications with a strong emphasis on structure and scalability.


Below are some performance metrics between React Js and Angular:

1. Initial Load Time:


Bundle Size: React apps usually have smaller bundles, leading to faster initial load times.

Code Splitting: Tools like Webpack and dynamic imports allow React to load parts of the app on demand.

Server-Side Rendering (SSR): Using frameworks like Next.js, React can render content on the server for quicker initial display.


Bundle Size: Angular’s comprehensive framework can result in larger bundles and longer load times.

AOT Compilation: Angular compiles code during the build process, reducing the bundle size and improving load times.

Lazy Loading: Angular can load modules as needed, improving initial load times by delaying non-critical parts.

2. Runtime Performance


Virtual DOM: React’s virtual DOM minimizes direct DOM updates, making UI updates more efficient.

Reconciliation Algorithm: This algorithm ensures only necessary changes are made to the DOM.

Memoization: React.memo and hooks like useCallback and useMemo help prevent unnecessary re-renders.


Real DOM: Angular updates the real DOM directly, which can be less efficient but is managed with change detection.

Change Detection: Angular’s hierarchical change detection and OnPush strategy optimize UI updates.

Zone.js: Manages async operations to keep the app state consistent, though with some performance overhead.

3. Optimizations Available


React.memo: Memoizes functional components to avoid re-renders.

Concurrent Mode: Improves app responsiveness by managing multiple tasks simultaneously.

Suspense: Handles asynchronous data fetching gracefully.


AOT Compilation: Improves performance by compiling during build time.

OnPush Change Detection: Checks for changes only when input properties change.

Ecosystem and Tooling.

React has a very good and vibrant community, with a lot of tools to build interactive and beautiful websites, for example they have:

  • Next.js: A powerful React framework for building server-rendered applications, static websites, and APIs. It includes features like automatic code splitting, static site generation, and server-side rendering.

Angular also has unique ecosystem tools such as:

  • RxJS: A library for reactive programming using observables, heavily used in Angular for managing asynchronous operations and state.

Use Cases and Examples


  1. HNG: This is where I am currently interning,they make use of React, NextJs, and Radix UI for their website. If you will like to intern here or search for jobs use the links below to learn more.

HNG Site
HNG Internship
HNG Premium
HNG Jobs

  1. Netflix: React is used for parts of the Netflix platform to enhance performance and maintainability.


  1. Forbes: The Forbes website uses Angular to handle its large volume of content and deliver a smooth user experience.

  2. Upwork: The freelancing platform uses Angular to manage its extensive user interface and functionality.


In conclusion, both React JS and Angular are powerful frontend frameworks that cater to different needs and preferences in web development.
The choice between React.js and Angular ultimately depends on project requirements, team expertise, and specific application needs.

Thank you.

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