🤖 vs 👤: Humans or AI - Who excels at design?

Adam Marsden - Aug 24 '23 - - Dev Community

Hey everyone ✌️ Here's a quick look at this week's newsletter:

❤️‍🩹 The web is broken, and developers let it happen
🖥️ Terminal CSS
🙋‍♂️ Questions to evaluate design patterns

Enjoy this week's edition 👋 - Adam at Unicorn Club.

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🎨 Design

Humans VS AI: Who’s Better at Designing?

Some may think that the essence of a designer’s work is to create beautiful pictures. However, our philosophy states that a designer creates user experience.

🧠 UX

3 questions to evaluate design patterns and avoid unnecessary work that degrades UX

Altering the normal pace or direction of scrolling can contradict user expectations, control, and freedom.

Indeed’s Design Principles and How We Made Them

Inside the collaborative approach a content designer used to get a UX organization of hundreds on the same page.

🧑‍💻 Dev

The web is broken, and developers let it happen

Do you remember the time when it used to be so simple to just open a new browser window, type a website address into the search bar, and then wait a bit while the site loaded?

How to Create a Meteor Effect with React and TailwindCSS

A while ago, I saw a post on Twitter that had some fancy beams of light emanating out from behind the main image.

The virtual keyboard API

Have you come across an issue where there is a fixed element on mobile, and when the keyboard is activated, that element will be hidden underneath the keyboard?

🖌️ CSS

Terminal CSS

Terminal CSS has no overhead and is lightweight (~ 3k gzip). The source is written in pure css to be accessible for everybody and easy to contribute.

CSS Selectors: A Visual Guide

CSS selectors are patterns used in CSS to select and style HTML elements on a page, allowing us to dictate how styles apply to specific HTML elements.

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Thanks for reading ❤️

@AdamMarsdenUK from Unicorn Club

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