🚀 Vanilla & CSSer Major Update! 🚀

Adam Golan - Nov 8 '24 - - Dev Community

We’ve packed in some powerful new features across both Vanilla and CSSer to enhance styling, functionality, and interactivity.

CSSer Updates:
1. Styled Title: Titles can now be set by both class and dataset
attributes, giving you fine control over title appearance with
minimal code.
2. Switch Style: Easily toggle between options, enabling swift style
transitions and better customization.
3. Revert Colors Class: Implement a revert colors class that
restores original styling with a single class call, simplifying
color management across themes and states.

Vanilla Updates:
1. Scroll to Top Component: Smoothly return to the top of the page
with this simple but essential feature, enhancing user experience
in longer pages.
2. Progress Component: Visualize progress with a built-in component
designed for flexibility, fitting naturally into your
applications for anything from page loading to task completion.
3. Code Component: This component comes with chunk and word modes,
allowing you to display code either by defined sections or word-
by-word. This enhances readability and offers developers better
presentation options.
Form Enhancements:
• Switch, Radio, Checkbox, and Range Components: Form components have
been expanded, introducing interactive options that make your forms
comprehensive and intuitive. Each element is styled for consistency
and optimized for usability.

Our mission remains at the forefront: Code once —ensuring stability and freedom to innovate without barriers.

Not a framework, but a frame to work with.

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