Steps to Deep Clean Your New Home Before Moving In

Ahmed Umer - Jul 1 - - Dev Community
  1. Start with High Traffic Areas Start the cleaning process by first cleaning the areas and rooms that are highly used. These areas are extremely dirty, and cleaning them as early as possible makes the home hygienic. Ideally, you can start with the kitchen and bathrooms, as these areas need extra effort to get a clean and hygienic result.

When it comes to cleaning the kitchen, start by emptying out the cabinets and drawers. Then, clean both the inside and outside using a mixture of warm water and mild detergent. For any sticky residues, a bit of baking soda can help. Next, wipe down the countertops with an appropriate cleaner for the material, such as granite or laminate, and disinfect them to ensure they’re sanitary.

While cleaning the bathroom, scrub the toilets inside and out with a toilet cleaner, making sure to clean the base and behind the toilet. Use a heavy-duty cleaner for the tiles and grout in showers and tubs, and for tough stains, a mix of baking soda and water can be effective; rinse thoroughly. Clean and disinfect the sinks and countertops, paying special attention to the faucets and handles. Finally, use a glass cleaner for the mirrors and polish any fixtures.

  1. Tackle the Floors Floors gather a lot of dirt and stains. No house cleaning is complete without a clean and sanitised floor. Vacuum carpets thoroughly and consider renting a carpet cleaner or hiring a professional service for a deep clean. Sweep and mop hardwood floors with a cleaner suitable for wood, avoiding excessive water to prevent damage. For tile and laminate floors, sweep and mop with an appropriate cleaner, paying extra attention to grout lines in tiled floors.

Most people use excess water to clean the floor, assuming it will ease the process. However, the excess water makes floor cleaning more challenging and also increases the chance of injury while cleaning.

  1. Window and Walls Clean windows allow more natural light in and make your home feel brighter. Clean the glass with a window cleaner and microfiber cloth to avoid streaks, and don’t forget to clean the sills and tracks. Cleaning glass windows is quite challenging as they are transparent, and even a minor stain is highly visible. Using high-quality cleaning supplies can make the task easier and provide better shine and cleaning to the window.

Dust and wipe down walls, especially if they have visible stains or marks, using a gentle cleaner to avoid damaging the paint. Pay special attention to areas around light switches and doorknobs.

  1. Address Small Details The devil lies in details. If you want a 100% clean and tidy house, it is crucial to look after minor details and clean the house thoroughly.

Light fixtures and ceiling fans should be dusted and wiped down with a damp cloth regularly. When cleaning ceiling fans, ensure both the blades and the motor housing are thoroughly cleaned to prevent dust buildup. Baseboards and trim collect a significant amount of dirt and grime over time. Dust and clean them with a damp cloth to keep them looking fresh and tidy. Dust vents to ensure they are free from obstructions, allowing for optimal airflow throughout your home.

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