A Day in the Life of a Software Developer Using Logseq

AIRabbit - Nov 16 '24 - - Dev Community

As a software developer, staying organized and managing information efficiently is crucial. Today, I'll walk you through how I use Logseq, a powerful open-source note-taking and knowledge management tool, in my daily workflow.

Initial Setup

  1. Download and Install: Get the Logseq desktop app from Logseq.com.
  2. Create a Graph: Open Logseq and select a local directory to store your notes. Logseq will create a new "graph" (a collection of notes) in this directory.

Morning Routine

  1. Start with the Daily Journal: Open Logseq and begin on the daily Journal page.
  2. Review and Link: Review yesterday's notes and tasks, linking relevant information using [[double brackets]] or #hashtags.
  3. Plan Ahead: Plan the day by creating new tasks and setting priorities.


- TODO Refactor authentication module [[AuthModule]]
- DOING Fix bug in user profile page #UserInterface
- [[MeetingNotes]] for today's standup
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During the Day

  1. Meeting Notes: Take notes during meetings directly in the daily Journal.
  2. Code Snippets: Create code snippets or algorithm ideas using code blocks:
   def quick_sort(arr):
       if len(arr) <= 1:
           return arr
       pivot = arr[len(arr) // 2]
       left = [x for x in arr if x < pivot]
       middle = [x for x in arr if x == pivot]
       right = [x for x in arr if x > pivot]
       return quick_sort(left) + middle + quick_sort(right)
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  1. Link Concepts: Connect related concepts and projects using the graph structure.

Task Management

  1. Track Progress: Use TODO, DOING, DONE tags to monitor task status.
  2. Set Due Dates: Assign due dates to tasks, e.g., TODO Implement new feature /due 2023-05-15.
  3. Filter Tasks: Use queries to display tasks across your entire graph:
   {{query (todo TODO DOING)}}
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End of Day

  1. Review Tasks: Mark completed tasks as DONE.
  2. Reflect: Summarize the day's progress.
  3. Plan for Tomorrow: Create new tasks or reschedule unfinished ones.

Tips and Shortcuts

  1. Quick Search: Use Ctrl+K (or Cmd+K on Mac) to navigate between pages.
  2. Command Menu: Type / to access commands and templates.
  3. Add Blocks: Use Alt+Enter to create a new block below the current one.
  4. Visualize Connections: Utilize the graph view to see relationships between notes and projects.

Logseq's flexibility allows you to adapt it to your specific needs as a software developer. Whether you're managing projects, documenting code, or brainstorming new ideas, Logseq's block-based structure and linking capabilities make it an invaluable tool in your daily workflow.

Remember, the key to success with Logseq is consistent use and gradual refinement of your system. As you become more familiar with its features, you'll discover even more ways to enhance your productivity and knowledge management as a software developer.

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