A New Approach to API Docs & Guides

Alan Gleeson 🇺🇦 - Mar 18 - - Dev Community

Have you ever wondered why API Docs & Guides are the poor relations when it comes to design, management and maintenance?

What if you took a CMS - centric approach to them?

Or going one step further - adding a Headless CMS into the mix.

That is exactly what we did with Teamwork.com's new API docs & guides. And to say they've been impressed is an under statement.

Key Features (Differences from Traditional API management)

Bespoke Design
Customise the design & take full advantage of a full CMS experience. Save time utilizing rich, beautifully designed content blocks across the site.

Built In SEO
Detailed SEO schema, automatically generated on all pages. Ensure all of your developer content is indexed on Google.

Swagger/OpenAPI ingest
Auto generated reference API docs from your Swagger / OpenAPI files. Keep everything in sync with your git repo.

Full Content Management Experience
Unlike other systems based on writing Markdown, you can enjoy a full CMS experience with well structured content modelling.

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