Angular developers have long relied on lifecycle hooks to manage component behavior and interactions with the DOM. However, the introduction of signal-based APIs represents a significant shift in how developers can write reactive and declarative code. This article explores how to transition from traditional lifecycle hooks to modern signal-based APIs, demonstrating how these new tools simplify code, enhance reactivity, and reduce boilerplate.
Why we used ngOnInit?
The ngOnInit lifecycle hook was essential in traditional Angular development for basically 2 things:
- Working with @Input Properties: Ensuring @Input values are initialized and available for use after the component is created.
- Performing Network Requests: Fetching data once all inputs are available to ensure the component has the necessary information to render.
Old Way:
@Component({ ... })
class UserComponent implements OnInit {
@Input() name: string;
@Input() lastName: string;
@Input() userId: string;
fullName: string;
userData: string;
constructor(private httpClient: HttpClient) {}
ngOnInit(): void {
// getting access to inputs here
this.fullName = `${} ${this.lastName}`;
.subscribe((data: any) => {
this.userData =;
New way:
class UserComponent {
// signal based inputs!!!
name = input.required<string>();
lastName = input.required<string>();
userId = input.required<string>();
// no need for ngOnInit anymore
fullName = computed(() => `${} ${this.lastName()}`);
// signal based way yo do network request
userData = resource({
request: () => ({ id: this.userId() }),
loader: (request) =>
Key Benefits of Signals:
- Immediate Access to Inputs: No need to wait for lifecycle hooks; inputs are available as signals from the start.
- Reactive State Management: computed and resource ensure the UI is always in sync with the latest state.
- Simpler Code: Removes the boilerplate associated with lifecycle hooks and manual subscriptions.
Why we used ngOnChanges?
The ngOnChanges lifecycle hook allowed developers to listen for changes in @Input properties and respond to them appropriately.
Old way:
class UserComponent implements OnChanges {
@Input() name: string;
@Input() lastName: string;
fullName: string;
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void {
if ( || changes.lastName) {
this.fullName = `${} ${this.lastName}`;
console.log('Input changes detected:', this.fullName);
New way:
class UserComponent {
name = input.required<string>();
lastName = input.required<string>();
fullName = computed(() => `${} ${this.lastName()}`);
Pretty easy right? For me, subjectively and probably objectively this is much more understandable.
Why we used ngOnDestroy:
The ngOnDestroy lifecycle hook was traditionally used for cleanup tasks, such as unsubscribing from observables, clearing intervals, or detaching event listeners.
Old way:
export class CleanupComponent implements OnDestroy {
private intervalId: any;
constructor() {
this.intervalId = setInterval(() => {
console.log('Interval running');
}, 1000);
ngOnDestroy(): void {
console.log('Interval cleared');
New way
export class CleanupComponent {
constructor() {
const intervalId = setInterval(() => {
console.log('Interval running');
}, 1000);
inject(DestroyRef).onDestroy(() => {
The "After" Hooks
Why we used After Hooks:
- Angular's "After" hooks were used to interact with the DOM or its projected content once Angular completed rendering. These hooks include:
- ngAfterContentInit: Triggered once after Angular projects external content into the component's view.
- ngAfterContentChecked: Invoked after every check of the projected content.
- ngAfterViewInit: Runs once after Angular initializes the component's view and its children.
- ngAfterViewChecked: Called after every check of the component's view and its children.
Old Way
@Component({ template: '<canvas #myCanvas></canvas>' })
export class FooComponent implements
AfterViewInit, AfterViewChecked
@ViewChild('myCanvas') myCanvas: ElementRef<HTMLCanvasElement>;
ngAfterViewInit() {
console.log('Charts initialized');
ngAfterViewChecked() {
console.log('View checked');
New way
@Component({ template: '<canvas #myCanvas></canvas>' })
export class FooComponent {
myCanvas = viewChild('myCanvas');
constructor() {
// runs once after the app rendered
afterNextRender(() => {
console.log('Charts initialized');
afterRender(() => {
// runs every time app renders something
console.log('View updated');
Personally I used it very-very rarely in my practise.
Just use effect(), should be completely enough.
By transitioning to signal-based APIs, Angular developers can:
- Eliminate the need for lifecycle hooks like ngOnInit, ngOnChanges, ngOnDestroy, and others.
- Write more declarative, reactive, and maintainable code.
- Simplify resource management, dependency tracking, and UI updates.
- This evolution represents a significant step forward in Angular development, making applications cleaner, more performant, and easier to debug.
Wish you happy coding with this knowledge and hope you learn something new today!