A step-by-step process of creating a Windows 11 Virtual Machine (VM) on Microsoft Azure
Step 1.
Access the Azure portal (portal.azure.com) and sign in.
(You must have created an Azure account).
Step 2.
Click on "Create a resource" and select "Virtual Machine."
Step 3.
Configure Basics:
a. Select subscription, resource group, and create a new resource
group. Give a VM name.
b. Choose the region and availability options.
c. Select the OS (Windows 11 Enterprise).
d. Choose VM Size: Pick a VM size based on the required CPU,
memory, and storage.
e. Set up administrator account, Configure networking,
management, and monitoring options.
Note the the public ip address assigned to VM1
Step 7
Connect to the VM1 from anywhere through the Internet with RDP, using the public ip address assigned.
Use the Administrator Account created earlier
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