How to Create Your Own RAG with Free LLM Models and a Knowledge Base

Alexander Uspenskiy - Dec 16 '24 - - Dev Community

This article explores the implementation of a straightforward yet effective question-answering system that combines modern transformer-based models. The system uses T5 (Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer) for answer generation and Sentence Transformers for semantic similarity matching.

In my previous article, I explained how to create a simple translation API with a web interface using a free foundational LLM model. This time, let’s dive into building a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) system using free transformer-based LLM models and a knowledge base.

RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) is a technique that combines two key components:

Retrieval: First, it searches through a knowledge base (like documents, databases, etc.) to find relevant information for a given query. This usually involves:

  • Converting text into embeddings (numerical vectors that represent meaning)
  • Finding similar content using similarity measures (like cosine similarity)
  • Selecting the most relevant pieces of information

Generation: Then it uses a language model (like T5 in our code) to generate a response by:

Combining the retrieved information with the original question

Creating a natural language response based on this context

In the code:

  • The SentenceTransformer handles the retrieval part by creating embeddings
  • The T5 model handles the generation part by creating answers

Benefits of RAG:

  • More accurate responses since they’re grounded in specific knowledge
  • Reduced hallucination compared to pure LLM responses
  • Ability to access up-to-date or domain-specific information
  • More controllable and transparent than pure generation

System Architecture Overview

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The implementation consists of a SimpleQASystem class that orchestrates two main components:

  • A semantic search system using Sentence Transformers
  • An answer generation system using T5

You can download the latest version of the source code here:

System Diagram

Image description

RAG Project Setup Guide

This guide will help you set up your Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) project on both macOS and Windows.


For macOS:

Install Homebrew (if not already installed):
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Install Python 3.8+ using Homebrew
brew install python@3.10
For Windows:
Download and install Python 3.8+ from
Make sure to check “Add Python to PATH” during installation

Project Setup

Step 1: Create Project Directory


mkdir RAG_project
cd RAG_project


mkdir RAG_project
cd RAG_project

Step 2: Set Up Virtual Environment


python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate


python -m venv venv

**Core Components

  1. Initialization**
def __init__(self):
    self.model_name = 't5-small'
    self.tokenizer = T5Tokenizer.from_pretrained(self.model_name)
    self.model = T5ForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(self.model_name)
    self.encoder = SentenceTransformer('paraphrase-MiniLM-L6-v2')
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The system initializes with two primary models:

T5-small: A smaller version of the T5 model for generating answers
paraphrase-MiniLM-L6-v2: A sentence transformer model for encoding text into meaningful vectors

2. Dataset Preparation

def prepare_dataset(self, data: List[Dict[str, str]]):
    self.answers = [item['answer'] for item in data]
    self.answer_embeddings = []
    for answer in self.answers:
        embedding = self.encoder.encode(answer, convert_to_tensor=True)
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The dataset preparation phase:

  • Extracts answers from the input data
  • Creates embeddings for each answer using the sentence transformer
  • Stores both answers and their embeddings for quick retrieval

How the System Works

1. Question Processing

When a user submits a question, the system follows these steps:

Embedding Generation: The question is converted into a vector representation using the same sentence transformer model used for the answers.

Semantic Search: The system finds the most relevant stored answer by:

  • Computing cosine similarity between the question embedding and all answer embeddings
  • Selecting the answer with the highest similarity score Context Formation: The selected answer becomes the context for T5 to generate a final response.

2. Answer Generation

def get_answer(self, question: str) -> str:
    # ... semantic search logic ...
    input_text = f"Given the context, what is the answer to the question: {question} Context: {context}"
    input_ids = self.tokenizer(input_text, max_length=512, truncation=True, 
                             padding='max_length', return_tensors='pt').input_ids
    outputs = self.model.generate(input_ids, max_length=50, num_beams=4, 
                                early_stopping=True, no_repeat_ngram_size=2
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The answer generation process:

  • Combines the question and context into a prompt for T5
  • Tokenizes the input text with a maximum length of 512 tokens
  • Generates an answer using beam search with these parameters:
  • max_length=50: Limits answer length
  • num_beams=4: Uses beam search with 4 beams
  • early_stopping=True: Stops generation when all beams reach an end token
  • no_repeat_ngram_size=2: Prevents repetition of bigrams

3. Answer Cleaning

def clean_answer(self, answer: str) -> str:
    words = answer.split()
    cleaned_words = []
    for i, word in enumerate(words):
        if i == 0 or word.lower() != words[i-1].lower():
    cleaned = ' '.join(cleaned_words)
    return cleaned[0].upper() + cleaned[1:] if cleaned else cleaned
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  • Removes duplicate consecutive words (case-insensitive)
  • Capitalizes the first letter of the answer
  • Removes extra whitespace

Full Source Code

You can download the latest version of source code here:

import os
# Set tokenizers parallelism before importing libraries
os.environ["TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM"] = "false"

import torch
from transformers import T5Tokenizer, T5ForConditionalGeneration
from typing import List, Dict
import numpy as np
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity

class SimpleQASystem:
    def __init__(self):
        """Initialize QA system using T5"""
            # Use T5 for answer generation
            self.model_name = 't5-small'
            self.tokenizer = T5Tokenizer.from_pretrained(self.model_name, legacy=False)
            self.model = T5ForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(self.model_name)

            # Move model to CPU explicitly to avoid memory issues
            self.device = "cpu"
            self.model =

            # Initialize storage
            self.answers = []
            self.answer_embeddings = None
            self.encoder = SentenceTransformer('paraphrase-MiniLM-L6-v2')

            print("System initialized successfully")

        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Initialization error: {e}")

    def prepare_dataset(self, data: List[Dict[str, str]]):
        """Prepare the dataset by storing answers and their embeddings"""
            # Store answers
            self.answers = [item['answer'] for item in data]

            # Encode answers using SentenceTransformer
            self.answer_embeddings = []
            for answer in self.answers:
                embedding = self.encoder.encode(answer, convert_to_tensor=True)

            print(f"Prepared {len(self.answers)} answers")

        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Dataset preparation error: {e}")

    def clean_answer(self, answer: str) -> str:
        """Clean up generated answer by removing duplicates and extra whitespace"""
        words = answer.split()
        cleaned_words = []
        for i, word in enumerate(words):
            if i == 0 or word.lower() != words[i-1].lower():
        cleaned = ' '.join(cleaned_words)
        return cleaned[0].upper() + cleaned[1:] if cleaned else cleaned

    def get_answer(self, question: str) -> str:
        """Get answer using semantic search and T5 generation"""
            if not self.answers or self.answer_embeddings is None:
                raise ValueError("Dataset not prepared. Call prepare_dataset first.")

            # Encode question using SentenceTransformer
            question_embedding = self.encoder.encode(

            # Move the question embedding to CPU (if not already)
            question_embedding = question_embedding.cpu()

            # Find most similar answer using cosine similarity
            similarities = cosine_similarity(
                question_embedding.numpy().reshape(1, -1),  # Use .numpy() for numpy compatibility
                np.array([embedding.cpu().numpy() for embedding in self.answer_embeddings])  # Move answer embeddings to CPU

            best_idx = np.argmax(similarities)
            context = self.answers[best_idx]

            # Generate the input text for the T5 model
            input_text = f"Given the context, what is the answer to the question: {question} Context: {context}"
            # Tokenize input text
            input_ids = self.tokenizer(

            # Generate answer with limited max_length
            outputs = self.model.generate(
                max_length=50,  # Increase length to handle more detailed answers

            # Decode the generated answer
            answer = self.tokenizer.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True)

            # Print the raw generated answer for debugging
            print(f"Generated answer before cleaning: {answer}")

            # Clean up the answer
            cleaned_answer = self.clean_answer(answer)
            return cleaned_answer

        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error generating answer: {e}")
            return f"Error: {str(e)}"

def main():
    """Main function with sample usage"""
        # Sample data
        data = [
            {"question": "What is the capital of France?", "answer": "The capital of France is Paris."},
            {"question": "What is the largest planet?", "answer": "The largest planet is Jupiter."},
            {"question": "Who wrote '1984'?", "answer": "George Orwell wrote '1984'."}

        # Initialize system
        print("Initializing QA system...")
        qa_system = SimpleQASystem()

        # Prepare dataset
        print("Preparing dataset...")

        # Start interactive Q&A session
        while True:
            # Prompt the user for a question
            test_question = input("\nPlease enter your question (or 'exit' to quit): ")

            if test_question.lower() == 'exit':
                print("Exiting the program.")

            # Get and print the answer
            print(f"\nQuestion: {test_question}")
            answer = qa_system.get_answer(test_question)
            print(f"Answer: {answer}")

    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error in main: {e}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    main()Performance Considerations
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Memory Management:

The system explicitly uses CPU to avoid memory issues
Embeddings are converted to CPU tensors when needed
Input length is limited to 512 tokens

Error Handling:

  • Comprehensive try-except blocks throughout the code
  • Meaningful error messages for debugging
  • Validation checks for uninitialized components

Usage Example

# Initialize system
qa_system = SimpleQASystem()
# Prepare sample data
data = [
    {"question": "What is the capital of France?", "answer": "The capital of France is Paris."},
    {"question": "What is the largest planet?", "answer": "The largest planet is Jupiter."}
# Prepare dataset
# Get answer
answer = qa_system.get_answer("What is the capital of France?")
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Run in terminal

Image description

Limitations and Potential Improvements


The current implementation keeps all embeddings in memory
Could be improved with vector databases for large-scale applications

Answer Quality:

Relies heavily on the quality of the provided answer dataset
Limited by the context window of T5-small
Could benefit from answer validation or confidence scoring


  • Using CPU only might be slower for large-scale applications
  • Could be optimized with batch processing
  • Could implement caching for frequently asked questions


This implementation provides a solid foundation for a question-answering system, combining the strengths of semantic search and transformer-based text generation. Feel free to play with model parameters (like max_length, num_beams, early_stopping, no_repeat_ngram_size, etc) to find a better way to get more coherent and stable answers. While there’s room for improvement, the current implementation offers a good balance between complexity and functionality, making it suitable for educational purposes and small to medium-scale applications.

Happy coding!

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