This is a submission for Frontend Challenge v24.09.04, CSS Art: Space.
I have to admit, this is an old drawing. I coded it as part of Divtober 2022, and the prompt was "quiet" (in Divtober 2023, there was a "space" prompt, and I went with a floating astronaut... maybe I should enter that one too?)
You can find the demo on my single-element CSS drawings site or on CodePen:
As part of Divtober, it is CSS Art coded with a single HTML element and CSS (less than you'd imagine, maybe?). It was a time when I was trying to code more "realistic" CSS Art, playing with colors, and softer gradients...
I don't know if the drawing is too realistic, but I like the result. I find it calming and relaxing. Quiet, as the prompt for Divtober that inspired it.
I recorded the coding process and shared it on YouTube: