The best new feature in Next.js 13

Aman Singh - Jan 17 '23 - - Dev Community

Next.js is a popular JavaScript framework for building web applications, and its latest version (13.0) brings a number of new features and improvements to the table. In this post, we'll take a look at some of the key features of Next.js 13.0, and how they can benefit developers.

  1. First and foremost, Next.js 13.0 introduces support for **ECMAScript **modules (ESM) as the default module format. This means that developers can now use the latest JavaScript features and syntax in their Next.js applications without having to worry about compatibility issues. This feature will make it easier for developers to write more efficient and maintainable code, and will also make it easier to share code between different projects.

  2. Another major feature of Next.js 13.0 is the ability to build and export dynamic websites as static sites. This means that developers can now take advantage of the performance benefits of static sites, while still being able to build dynamic and interactive web applications. This feature is particularly useful for sites that have a lot of dynamic data, such as e-commerce sites or blogs.

  3. Next.js 13.0 also includes a number of performance improvements, **including faster build times and improved runtime performance. This makes it easier for developers to create high-performing web applications that can handle large amounts of traffic and data. Additionally, the new version of Next.js also adds support for **Webpack 5, which brings improvements to the way assets are handled, and enables faster and more efficient builds.

  4. Another important feature of Next.js 13.0 is the addition of **built-in support for TypeScript. **This means that developers can now use TypeScript to write their Next.js applications, which will help to catch and prevent errors early on in the development process. TypeScript also makes it easier to write more maintainable and scalable code.

  5. Finally, Next.js 13.0 includes a number of other improvements and features, such as improved error reporting, better support for serverless functions, and support for the latest version of React (17).

All in all, Next.js 13.0 is a great release that brings a number of valuable features and improvements to the framework. With support for ESM as the default module format, improved performance, and built-in support for TypeScript, developers will find it easier than ever to build high-performing and maintainable web applications with Next.js.

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