Technical Report on Sales Data

Abubakar Muhammad - Jun 27 - - Dev Community


I analyzed the "Retail Sales Data" dataset from Kaggle for this task. The goal of this analysis is to gain initial insights from the data and summarize them in a short technical report.


After a first glance at the dataset, we identified the following observations:

  1. Sales Data by Regions:
    The dataset contains sales data broken down by different regions. There are eight regions: Central, East, South, West, International, Atlantic, Pacific, and Mountain. This allows for regional analysis of sales figures.

  2. Monthly Sales Data:
    The sales data is recorded monthly over several years. This enables the investigation of seasonal trends and the identification of sales peaks in certain months.

  3. Product Categories:
    There are various product categories included in the sales data. These categories include Electronics, Furniture, Office Supplies, and more. Analyzing sales figures by product categories can help identify popular and less popular products.

Technical Visualization

A simple bar chart is presented to support these observations, showing the average monthly sales figures by region.

average monthly sales bar chart


The initial insights into the "Retail Sales Data" dataset show that sales figures vary by region, month, and product category. These insights can be further explored to conduct more detailed analyses and support data-driven decisions.

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