Contribution Instructions: Formate Code and Linting

Amir Mullagaliev - Nov 2 - - Dev Community


During this week lab we were tasked with adding file where we should add instructions for all of the contributors on how to contribute on my project PolyglotCode. Moreover, we were supposed to add a Code Formatter to make our code more structured, and to add a Linter to make sure that code follows the styling.

Tools I Used

We had a list of suggested code formation tools, as my code was written in Java I decided to use suggested formatter GoogleJavaFormat.
However, I didn't decide to pick suggested tool for Linter. I picked Checkstyle; for the reason, that SpotBugs wasn't available for JDK 22.

Setting Up

To set up both of these tools I used inside of pom.xml file.

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To set rules for CheckStyle we need to create a file called checkstyle.xml:

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What Tools Found

GoogleJavaFormat just changed how code looks, it has the same functionality as Prettier. CheckStyle found couple of issue with not used imports.

For the reason, that I use Maven I used the commands:

mvn spotless:apply
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


mvn checkstyle:check
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

How To Integrate With IDE

To integrate it all with IDE we use Intellij IDEA Marketplace and download them all.

What Did I learn

Today I learned that it is pretty important to have tools like Code Formatter and Linter to make sure that other contributors upon finishing their contribution are able to keep the same code style.

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