Glimmer Gets Its First Official Custom Shape Gems

Andy Maleh - Mar 13 '21 - - Dev Community

Glimmer DSL for SWT, which made it to the Top 8 Ruby Framework Projects on LibHunt for Feb 2021, recently added support for Custom Shapes, which are reusable graphical constructs akin of Custom Widgets (reusable widget constructs). Glimmer DSL for SWT just got its first official custom shape gems: glimmer-cp-bevel, providing the bevel keyword, and glimmer-cp-stickfigure, providing the stick_figure keyword. They are covered below.

This represents a bevel square custom shape that can have various colors and sizes, and you only need to set its base color for it to figure out the rest. It is customizable via its API.

Bevel Screenshot

Currently used in Glimmer Tetris.

Glimmer Tetris

Glimmer GUI DSL Code Example:

# From:

require 'glimmer-cp-bevel'

include Glimmer

shell {
  text 'Glimmer Tetris Icon'
  label {
    text 'Check out the application icon!'
    font height: 20
  icon_block_size = 64
  icon_bevel_size = icon_block_size.to_f / 25.to_f
  icon_bevel_pixel_size = 0.16*icon_block_size.to_f
  icon_size = 8
  icon_pixel_size = icon_block_size * icon_size
  image(icon_pixel_size, icon_pixel_size) {
    icon_size.times { |row|
      icon_size.times { |column|
        colored = row >= 1 && column.between?(1, 6)
        color = colored ? color(([:white] + [:cyan, :blue, :dark_yellow, :yellow, :green, :magenta, :red]).sample) : color(:white)
        x = column * icon_block_size
        y = row * icon_block_size
        bevel(x: x, y: y, base_color: color, size: icon_block_size)
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Tetris icon image produced:

Tetris icon image

Stick Figure
This represents a stick figure custom shape that can have colors and sizes, and you only need to set its base size for it to figure out the rest for the stick figure head, torso, arms, and legs. It is customizable via its API.

Stick Figure Screenshot

Currently used in the upcoming DCR project


Glimmer GUI DSL code for Hello, Stick Figure! Sample:

# From:

require_relative '../../lib/glimmer-cp-stickfigure' # Use `require 'glimmer-cp-stickfigure'` if gem is installed

class HelloStickFigure
  include Glimmer::UI::CustomShell

  WIDTH = 220
  HEIGHT = 235

  body {
    shell {
      text 'Hello, Stick Figure!'
      minimum_size WIDTH, HEIGHT

      @canvas = canvas {
        background :white

        15.times { |n|
          x_location = (rand*WIDTH/2).to_i%WIDTH + (rand*15).to_i
          y_location = (rand*HEIGHT/2).to_i%HEIGHT + (rand*15).to_i
          foreground_color = rgb(rand*255, rand*255, rand*255)

          stick_figure(location_x: x_location, location_y: y_location, size: 35+n*2) {
            foreground foreground_color

        on_mouse_down { |mouse_event|
          @drag_detected = false
          @canvas.cursor = :hand
          # select shape at location
          @selected_shape = @canvas.shape_at_location(mouse_event.x, mouse_event.y)
          # select shape parent if it is a nested shape like an arm or leg
          @selected_shape = @selected_shape.parent_shapes.last if @selected_shape.parent_shapes.any?

        on_drag_detected { |drag_detect_event|
          @drag_detected = true
          @drag_current_x = drag_detect_event.x
          @drag_current_y = drag_detect_event.y

        on_mouse_move { |mouse_event|
          if @drag_detected
            @selected_shape&.move_by(mouse_event.x - @drag_current_x, mouse_event.y - @drag_current_y)
            @drag_current_x = mouse_event.x
            @drag_current_y = mouse_event.y

        on_mouse_up { |mouse_event|
          @canvas.cursor = :arrow
          @drag_detected = false
          @selected_shape = nil

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Hello, Stick Figure!

Hello, Stick Figure Screenshot

Happy Glimmering!

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