Well in this era, creating a website or designing is no longer rocket science at all. Anyone can do so, within a few clicks.
YES, you don’t have to be a programmer at all, to do so.
But, creating a perfect and functional website is definitely not a piece of cake.
No worries!
Being a web designer myself, I will be highlighting some key elements which help you create the best website for yourself.
Your website surely demands a few elements to convert and create an impact in front of the visitors. And I am sure you want your accidental visitors to be a regular one.
Let us dive into and see what matters a lot to create a functional and memorable website.
What are the Key Ingredients to Design a Perfect Website
There are several factors to consider while starting a website and also designing it. We will talk about the important ones here.
How Should the Website Layout Look?
Let’s explore the concepts to follow while designing the layout for your website. There are several types of website layout. You need to figure out a suitable one for your business.
1. Creative website layouts
A layout is something, which can make or break your dream business. Spend time, don’t just make anything.
Basically, a Website layout can be described as a framework that defines the whole website structure.
It meant to provide all the information throughout the site contained from the web owner to the users. Yet make it look attractive too.
You can easily take some references from the web and their uniqueness.
2. Easy to navigate
Make sure that the layout of the website is clean.
Clear navigation to the important web pages would please the visitors and provide the best user experience.
Not just the UX(user experience), a unique touch within it, makes the website memorable for the visitors too. Choosing the right type of website layouts is so crucial.
3. Important Content at the Top
Content is king. I know you have created unique content. But, have you made it easy for the user to navigate and bring sales for yourself?
Well, this is where the right web design will do the magic.
Always, place important and key information on the top and the least important one at the bottom? It is going to be vital.
Well, you might be wondering, I have everything important on my website.
That’s true. You definitely might have.
But, think from the user’s perspective.
You need to segregate content according to the priority.
For instance, a video of your product at the top, so that readers will easily know about your product features. To do so you can hire someone to create a video, or probably record your screen and create an awesome video and feature it on your homepage.
The legal pages can be placed at the bottom and informative pages at the top.
Well, this doesn’t mean you should bombard the information at the top. As doing so, none would get noticed.
Create sections,
Don’t forget “Branding” While Creating a website
1. Who’s Website it is?
In the long run, proper branding plays a huge role.
For instance, I have found many websites, where you can’t even consider who the owner is. There is no brand inclusion either, nor about sections.
Well, on the homepage, there should be a small section, which defines whose website this belongs to. The background, story. The more you personalize, the better it would be.
An emotional connection is necessary for your audience. Apparently, this will create a brand and there would be an increasing number of loyal audiences gradually.
Because now they know the story behind your rise.
2. What do you sell and to whom?
If you have a business website, you need to convey a message clearly, who could take advantage of your product and what your product is all about.
It’s not just you place a call to action button and people would buy it.
For instance, if I have a Social Media Tool, but I haven’t mentioned anything on my website about what the tool is all about. It would not make any sense, isn’t it?
For instance, I would definitely let the people know about,
And the list could go on and on. This was just for an example, you might have a different product.
Doesn’t matter what your product is. Have a section, which lets the user understand your product and services and how it could be useful for them in the long run. So, that they can take action.
3. What is your strength compared to Your competitors?
If you have a better product or offer better services. Then compare those elements by creating a section on your website.
A quick comparison on the cards always tends to work better.
At the same time create a few comparison articles and place those links in the footer strategically. This could also do the job.
Show your strength when compared to your competitors.
Don’t be shy. It’s all business. Better one should lead.
4. Why should the customer revisit your website?
Keep the offers going on. You need to turn your visitor into a regular one.
Haha. yeah, that's what from the marketing front I know.
Well, people quite rarely visit the already visited website if the UX is bad.
And you can afford to make such design mistakes. No not at all, your business can not afford it.
Your returning visitors are your only loyal audience. They are the pillar.
Make a website that can be memorable with the User Interface and User experience. That creates a brand for yours automatically, as it stays in the visitor’s mind.
What kind of websites get returned visits,
You can not compromise on any of the above to create a perfect website. And in order to do so, you might need to use some premium tools. Never hesitate, as the small investment will be fruitful in the long run. In fact, you can find some lifetime deals on tools, software, WordPress themes, and plugins and more from the market place like AppSumo.
Take a Test Drive Yourself
Yes, this is the most important part. Websites can be created. But, if you don’t see from the user’s point of view it would not help to improve.
Isn’t it?
After all, we all love our work. But, we are not creating a website for ourselves, it’s for the readers and the customers.
They should be pleased with the entire criteria, we have discussed above.
When you have completed designing your website take a test drive of the website. Think from their perspective and take notes, which you didn’t like about the website and could be improved.
And this should be the ongoing process periodically.
Find Good References
Well, if you don’t have a clear thought, how your website should look alike or having trouble to get a clear idea.
No worries at all.
Take references from other websites. Nothing wrong with it, unless you should not create a clone of it.
Visit some existing websites to find out if they are well designed within your niche. You can learn from their strengths and weaknesses and apply them to your website. After all, you need the best to compete.
As said, those are just to take reference, not to copy.
I am sure this would help you design a perfect business website for yourself.