Differences Between `var`, `let`, and `const` in JavaScript: A Simple Explanation

Angelo Costa - Sep 3 - - Dev Community

Imagine you're organizing your home. Each type of variable in JavaScript – var, let, and const – works like different kinds of spaces where you can store your things. Let's see how this fits with everyday items and code examples to make it even clearer!

1. var – The Messy Drawer

Think of var as that messy kitchen drawer filled with different things, a bit disorganized. You can put anything in there, and it's always accessible to you no matter where you are in the kitchen.

How It Works:

  • Accessible Anywhere in the Kitchen: It doesn’t matter if you’re near the sink or the stove; you can always open that drawer and grab what’s inside.
  • Messy with Your Stuff: If you put something in the drawer and then try to put something else with the same name, everything gets mixed up and works, but it can get confusing.
// Example of var
var item = "Mug";
console.log(item); // Prints "Mug"

var item = "Plate"; // Allows redeclaration
console.log(item); // Now prints "Plate"
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  • Real-Life Example: You put a pair of socks in the drawer, but then forget and put another pair of the same kind. The socks get mixed up, and you can't tell which pair is which.

messy drawer

2. let – The Organized Toolbox

Now, think of let as a well-organized toolbox. The tools are there, but you can only access them when you open the toolbox. They are stored in a specific place, and you need to open the right toolbox to find them.

How It Works:

  • Accessible Only in the Toolbox: The tools stay neatly in the toolbox, and you can only use them when you open it.
  • Better Organization: If you try to put a screwdriver and then another screwdriver of the same type in the same toolbox, it won’t let you, as each tool has its own place.
// Example of let
let tool = "Screwdriver";
console.log(tool); // Prints "Screwdriver"

tool = "Hammer"; // Can reassign the value
console.log(tool); // Now prints "Hammer"

// let tool = "Hammer"; // This would cause an error, as you cannot redeclare
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  • Real-Life Example: If you are assembling furniture, the screwdriver only appears when you open the toolbox, and it's put back when you close it. You can’t access the tool without opening the toolbox first.

Well-organized toolbox

3. const – The Locked Safe

Think of const as a safe. Once you put something inside, it stays locked and can’t be changed. You can rearrange things inside the safe, like rearranging coins, but the safe itself stays locked with what you initially put in it.

How It Works:

  • Locked Forever: When you put something in the safe, like treasures, you can rearrange the coins inside, but you can’t change the fact that you put coins in the safe.
  • Protection Against Changes: If you try to replace the treasures with something else, the safe simply won’t allow it.
// Example of const
const safe = "Jewels";
console.log(safe); // Prints "Jewels"

// safe = "Money"; // This would cause an error, as you cannot reassign const

const coins = [1, 2, 3];
coins.push(4); // This is allowed
console.log(coins); // Prints [1, 2, 3, 4]
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  • Real-Life Example: Imagine you put jewels in the safe. You can rearrange the jewels, but you can’t change the fact that the safe’s purpose is to hold those jewels.

safe locked

Comparing Everything Together

  • var is like that messy drawer: You can put anything in there, and it's always accessible, but be careful – things can get mixed up easily!
    • Example: Declare the same variable multiple times without error.
  • let is like an organized toolbox: Tools are accessible only when you open the toolbox, keeping everything more organized.
    • Example: let variables can be reassigned but not redeclared.
  • const is like a locked safe: Once you store something there, it can’t be replaced, but you can modify the contents.
    • Example: You cannot change a const variable, but you can modify items in an array stored in it.


Now, whenever you're coding, think of these variables as different ways to organize your home. Use let for situations where things might change, and const for values that need to be protected. Avoid var when possible – it's useful but can be confusing, like a messy drawer!

Organized room

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