I recently bought my own domain and web hosting. I also looked through my old files the other day for inspiration on how I should design my new website. I found some screenshots of one of the old webpages which I had made on Blogger. Blogger offered free hosting and free webpages which did not require me to code the webpage from scratch, I only needed to insert some code to add images, links, dividers, bullets and write some text here and there. My site was so terrribly cute, too cute not to share! 🤗
Human Age (human-age.com) was a free browser game where you started in the prehistoric age and then progressed up to 6 more ages (if you wanted to) with the next age more advanced than the prior. Below I show my love for the 1st age which was my favourite due to its more simplistic gameplay compared to the more complex gameplay of the more advanced ages. I could relax and keep a lovely flickering campfire in my camp which I loved to look at for hours on end <3
My poems actually got published in the newspaper in the game!
I hope, in fact I am positive, that I will be able to make an even better website than I did when I was 16 years old. This time I am making my website from scratch 😳 Wish me luck! 😅
Disclaimer: The images used on my old website where from glitter-graphics.com.