Nelson - Jun 30 - - Dev Community

Hey!! I started my frontend journey with Html, css and JavaScript which took me about one year to master almost enough to start building a static website, then moved to learning a framework like ReactJS, but I had a lot of frame work to choose from in the likes of Angular, Vue and React but I ended up with going for React as it is the most used framework, I would point out some of the key features of react only cause that's what i've been used to

  1. Virtual DOM: React uses virtual dom to improve performance by updating important part of the actual DOM, when there are changes making the UI very efficient
  2. React hooke: React allows components to have state and lifecycle features, they provide more concise way to write components.
  3. JSX: React uses JSX, a syntax extension that allows you to write Html-like code within JavaScript, it makes it easier to create UI component and many more .. So far I've gotten some information about other framework like Vue and Angular they can be used in placement of React just that we use them based on their reasons like what the company prefer using and so on. Finally, I'm going for an advanced Internship that uses Reactjs, good news in-between and I would be glad to use React for a real world project don't mind checking this out yourself or to get started with your react/frontend journey... Take care šŸ˜˜