Odoo General settings: Technical

Antonov Mike - Jun 27 - - Dev Community
~ $ cat disclaimer.txt
It so happened that I needed to understand
the Odoo interface, so I decided to keep a
brief description of the Technical menu. M
aybe it will make it easier for someone to
learn Odoo. Please note that this text may
contain errors and inaccuracies.
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The following is a listing of the Technical menu sections and a brief description of each subsection


The "Discuss" section is designed to customize the discussion functionality within Odoo. Here you can configure modules for different types of content, such as forums, chats, etc., as well as manage user access to these features.


  1. Messages. This is the main section for sending and managing messages within the system. Users can send messages to each other as well as reply to them. Messages can be attached to different objects in the system, such as tasks, projects or partners.
  2. Scheduled Messages. Allows you to schedule messages to be sent in the future. This is useful for automatically sending notifications or reminders of upcoming events.
  3. Subtypes. Message subtypes allow you to categorize and filter messages into different categories. For example, you can have subtypes for task notifications, questions, and suggestions.
  4. Tracking Values. Used to track changes in discussions and posts. This can be useful for tracking the history of changes or for analyzing trends in discussions.
  5. Activity Types. Activity types define the different types of actions that can be performed within a discussion. This can include reading a message, marking a message, deleting a message, and so on.
  6. Activities. Activities display the current actions to be performed in the discussion. This can be useful for team coordination or for tracking the progress of tasks.
  7. Notifications. Notifications allows you to automatically notify discussion participants of new messages or changes.
  8. Followers. Allows you to specify users who follow the discussion but are not active participants. They receive notifications of new posts.
  9. Email Blacklist. Allows you to block sending/receiving messages to specific email addresses.
  10. Ratings. Allow discussants to rate posts or ideas.
  11. User Settings. Allow you to individually configure the user's behavior and preferences in discussions, for example, the level of notifications or visibility of messages. Here you can also add employees or partners of the company to the user list.
  12. Guests. Guests allow discussion participants who do not have an account in the system to interact with discussions. This can be useful for temporary participants or for open discussions.
  13. RTC Sessions. Allow users to share video and voice calls within Odoo Discuss. You can start a video or voice call and customize settings such as disabling microphone, camera and screen sharing. During an RTC session, you can share the screen with other participants.
  14. ICE Servers (Interactive Connectivity Establishment). These servers help establish direct connections between devices without the need to use proxy servers. ICE Servers settings in Odoo are typically provided in the form of URLs or IP addresses of STUN and TURN servers, which are used to break through NAT (Network Address Translation) and enable communication on restricted networks. This is especially useful for the video conferencing and instant messaging functionality provided within the Discuss module.
  15. Message Reactions. Manage and view the reactions left by users to messages.
  16. Link Previews. Settings for displaying link previews in posts and discussions.


The Email section contains settings related to email. This includes configuring how to send emails via SMTP, creating email templates and managing email newsletters.


  1. Emails. In this section, you can view and manage all emails sent and received.
  2. Outgoing Mail Servers. Here you can configure and add settings for outgoing mail servers that are used to send emails from the Odoo system.
  3. Incoming Mail Servers. Allows you to configure the settings of incoming mail servers used to receive emails to the Odoo system.
  4. Email Templates. In this section you can create, edit and manage email templates that can be used to automatically generate messages from the system.
  5. Aliases. Manage email address aliases that can be used for email forwarding in Odoo.
  6. Channels. Ability to configure and manage communication channels within Odoo that can be used for communication and notifications.
  7. Channels/Partner. Managing partner-related channels within the Odoo system.
  8. Mail Gateway Allowed. Manage the settings of allowed mail gateways that can be used to exchange e-mail messages.
  9. Snailmail Letters. The ability to manage and track emails sent through a regular postal service (e.g. printed letters).
  10. Digest Emails. Setting up and managing digest mailings that can be automatically generated and sent to system users.
  11. Digest Tips. Manage the content and settings of tips that can be included in email digests.

Phone / SMS

Allows you to set up integration with communication systems to automatically send SMS or calls in response to certain actions in the system.


  1. SMS. This section allows you to send SMS messages directly from Odoo. You can select the contacts or groups of contacts you want to send a message to and write the text of the message. After sending a message, you can track its delivery status.
  2. MS Templates. SMS templates allow you to create standard messages that can be reused. This is especially useful for sending similar types of notifications, such as booking confirmations, discount notifications, appointment reminders.
  3. Phone Blacklist. Phone Blacklist allows you to block SMS or calls from being sent to specific phone numbers.

Mass Mailing

This is a section for tracking and analyzing the execution of bulk mailings in Odoo, which allows you to manage and optimize the process of communication with customers or users.


  1. Mailing Traces. Allows you to view information about mass mailings that have been sent from the Odoo system. In "Mailing Traces" you can see the following data: Status (e.g. sent, queued, failed, etc.); Sent on Sent on (datetime); Failure type.


From here, you can set up various automatic actions that will be performed in response to certain events in the system, such as automatically assigning tasks or sending notifications.


  1. Actions. In this section, you can create and manage various activities in the Odoo system, such as creating records, performing actions on records (e.g. changing status), sending notifications, etc. Actions can be associated with different events or triggers in the system.
  2. Reports. Allows you to set up and manage reports in the Odoo system. This includes creating new reports, setting up report templates, setting up filters and data groupings for reports, and more.
  3. Window Actions. Here you can configure the actions related to opening forms and windows in the Odoo user interface. For example, you can configure actions when a record form is opened or when a user performs a specific action.
  4. Server Actions. Allow you to create actions that are performed on the server side of the Odoo system. These activities can include performing calculations, sending notifications, automating processes, and more.
  5. Configuration Wizards. In this section, you can create configuration wizards that help users configure various system settings and features.
  6. User-defined Defaults. Allow you to define user-defined default values for various fields and parameters in the Odoo system.


Set up in-app purchases, allowing users to purchase additional services or items directly within the app.


  1. IAP Account. Here you can create and edit accounts for various IAP service providers such as Google Play Store, Apple App Store, and other platforms. This includes setting up API keys, product IDs, and other parameters required for integration with IAP platforms.

User Interface

This section allows you to customize the user interface, including themes, languages, and other visual presentation controls.


  1. Menu Items. Here you can customize application and module menus by adding, removing or moving menu items. This allows you to organize the navigation of the system in a way that is more convenient for a particular user.
  2. Views. In this section, you can customize "Views" for different data models in the system. "Views" determine how data is displayed in the user interface, including forms, lists, and charts. You can create your own "Views" or customize existing "Views" to better fit the needs of your organization.
  3. Customized Views. This section allows you to create and save custom "Views" that can then be applied to different data models. This is useful if you want to quickly switch between different sets of view settings without having to re-configure them each time.
  4. User-defined Filters. Here you can create and save user-defined filters to quickly search and filter data in the system. This can greatly simplify working with large amounts of information, allowing users to focus only on the data they need.
  5. Tours. These are a series of steps that show new users the basic functions and capabilities of the system. By creating tours, you can customize the learning process for a new user, showing them how to use key features and how to achieve specific goals.

Database Structure

From here, you can configure the structure of the database, including data models, fields, and relationships between them. This is important for developers working on extensions or modifications to existing functionality.


  1. Decimal Accuracy. In this section, you can adjust the precision for decimal numbers in the Odoo system, which affects formatting and calculations.
  2. Assets. Allows you to manage resources (e.g. CSS, JavaScript) in the Odoo system that are used for the look and functionality of the user interface.
  3. Models. Here you can view and manage the data model definitions in the Odoo system. Models are a structure of data that is used to store information (e.g., products, customers).
  4. Fields. Allows you to view and manage field definitions in data models. Fields define the types of data and characteristics that can be stored in records.
  5. Fields Selection. Control which fields are available to select when creating reports or other custom UIs.
  6. Model Constraints. Here you can define constraints for data models that enforce data integrity and validation rules when retaining records.
  7. ManyToMany Relations. Manage ManyToMany relationships between data models, allowing you to link records between different models.
  8. Attachments. Allows you to view and manage attachments (files) associated with various records in Odoo system.
  9. Logging. Manage and configure logging of system events and activities to track and analyze user and system performance.
  10. Profiling. Ability to profile and analyze the performance of queries and operations in the Odoo system database.


Automation allows you to set up rules and processes that will be automatically triggered in response to certain events in the system.


  1. Scheduled Actions. This section allows you to create and configure automatic actions that will be executed on a schedule. Examples of such actions include sending notifications, running data processing, running reports, and other automated tasks.
  2. Scheduled Actions Triggers. In this section, you can configure conditions and triggers for triggering scheduled actions. Triggers define under what conditions or events a scheduled action should be executed. Button "New" calls form (ir.cron.trigger) with 2 fields: "Cron" of type Many2one and "Call At" of type datetime.


Reporting provides tools for creating and customizing reports that can be used to analyze data in the system.


  1. Paper Format. This section allows you to customize the paper format for printing reports. You can select sheet size, orientation, Left/Right Margins, and other settings that affect the appearance of the report when printed.
  2. Reports. In the Reports section, you can create, customize, and manage reports in the system. Reports in Odoo can be based on data from any model and can include various types of analysis such as summary tables, charts, graphs, etc. You can customize reports for output in a variety of formats including PDF, XLSX and HTML, making it easy to distribute analysis results to different users and environments.

Sequences & Identifiers

Used to generate unique numbers for records in the system, such as orders, sales, or projects.


  1. External Identifiers. This section allows you to manage unique identifiers that are used to reference objects and records in the Odoo system. External identifiers facilitate integration and interoperability with other systems by providing stable references to objects in the database.
  2. Sequences. Here you can create and manage sequences of numbers that are used to generate unique numeric values in the Odoo system. Sequences are widely used to automatically generate unique numbers for documents, orders and other records.


Settings allow you to configure various global system settings that affect system performance.


  1. System Parameters. Here you can configure the settings that affect the operation of the entire system as a whole. These settings can include security settings, localization, time and date settings, and other global settings that determine the behavior of the system. For example, you can set the time zone that will be used in the system or configure the language of the interface.
  2. Company Properties. In the "Company Properties" section, you can configure company properties that affect how data is displayed and processed in the system for a given company. This may include setting up currency, tax rates, company address, and other company information. These settings help ensure that the data is displayed correctly and complies with the legal requirements for a particular country or region.


Security provides configuration of access rights and user roles, as well as data security management.


  1. Record Rules. This section allows you to configure rules that determine user access to specific records in the database. For example, you can create a rule that allows or prohibits a user from viewing, creating, modifying, or deleting certain records in data models. (Create, read, unlink, delete)
  2. Access Rights. From here, you can manage shared permissions for data models and their fields. Permissions define what actions users can perform on objects and data in the Odoo system. (Read, Write, Create, Delete)


Settings of the privacy policy and the processing of personal data in accordance with the law.


  1. Privacy Logs. This section allows you to keep records of data privacy activities in the Odoo system. Privacy logs record operations such as data access requests, updates to sensitive information, and other events related to the processing of users' personal data. These logs can be very useful for auditing and compliance with data protection legislation. They help organizations prove that they monitor the processing of their users' personal data and take steps to protect that information.


Management of company resources such as equipment, materials, etc.


  1. Working Times. Here you can customize working times for employees, including working hours, overtime, and days off. This allows you to accurately track how much time each employee spends at work and helps with task planning and resource allocation
  2. Resource Time Off. This section allows you to manage employee vacation days. This includes assigning vacations, keeping track of time spent on vacation, and managing vacation requests.
  3. Resources. Here you can manage the resources that can be brought in to perform tasks. Resources can include human, material, equipment and other assets.


Tools for scheduling and tracking events and tasks.


  1. Meeting Types. This section allows you to configure and manage meeting types in Odoo, such as Interview, Meeting, Calls, Product Demos, etc.
  2. Calendar Alarm. In this section, you can set up notifications and reminders related to calendar events in the Odoo system. For example, you can set reminders for upcoming appointments or events so that users don't miss important meetings.
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