Why Should We Use React For the Front-End?

Arnab Saha - May 18 - - Dev Community

React JS is a JavaScript library built and maintained by Facebook. React is an efficient, declarative, and flexible open-source JavaScript library for creating simple, fast, and scalable frontends of web applications.

The language used to build React applications is JSX. JSX is basic JavaScript that facilitates HTML quoting and uses the syntax of this HTML tag to make subcomponents.

ReactJS is a stronger framework because of its ability to break down the complex interface and allow users to work on individual components.

ReactJS's core objective is to deliver the best rendering performance possible. Its strength stems from the emphasis on individual parts. ReactJS helps developers break down the complicated UI into smaller components, rather than operating on the entire web framework.

Key Benefits of React JS for Front-End Development

React JS offers tons of benefits. Let’s see the key benefits of React JS to understand why it stands out from other front-end JavaScript development frameworks.


React allows developers to utilize individual parts of their application on both the client-side and the server-side, which ultimately boosts the speed of the development process.

In simple terms, different developers can write individual parts and all changes made won’t affect the logic of the application.


Compared to other front-end frameworks, the React code is easier to maintain and is flexible due to its modular structure. This flexibility, in turn, saves a huge amount of time and cost for businesses.


React JS was designed to provide high performance in mind. The core of the framework offers a virtual DOM program and server-side rendering, which makes complex apps run extremely fast.


Deploying React is fairly easy to accomplish if you have some basic knowledge of JavaScript.

In fact, an expert JavaScript developer can easily learn all the ins and outs of the React framework in a matter of a day or two.

Reusable Components

One of the main benefits of using React JS is its potential to reuse components. It saves time for developers as they don’t have to write various codes for the same features. Furthermore, if any changes are made in any particular part, it will not affect other parts of the application.

So, now that you know the key benefits of the React framework, let’s move forward and also check out the top reasons to Choose React JS for your next project.

Why React JS Can Be the Best Choice for Your Project

If you are still not sure whether to choose React JS for your project or not, these reasons will help you make the decision.

Below, I mention the top reasons why React JS can be the best framework for your project.

It helps to build rich user interfaces

Today, the quality of the user interface in an application plays an important role. If the user interface is poorly designed, then it lowers the chances of an application to succeed.

But, if an application has a high-quality UI, then there are better chances that your users will love to use the app.

Therefore, building rich user interfaces is sort of necessary for an application to survive and thrive.

The good news is that React allows building such high-quality, rich user interfaces through its declarative components, which brings us to our next point.

It allows writing custom components

React comes with JSX, an optional syntax extension, which makes it possible to write your own components.

These components accept HTML quoting and also make all subcomponent rendering a delightful experience for developers.

Though there have been many debates on the matter of JSX, it has already for writing custom components, building high-volume applications, and converting HTML mockups into ReactElement trees.

Not only this but after creating components developers can reuse them in the whole app as components are highly customizable, and due to this it speeds up the development process.

It uplifts developers’ productivity

Frequent updates often turn into headaches when an app has complex logic and when a single modification in one component can dramatically affect other components.

But, to combat this problem, Facebook has amplified React with the component reusability feature.

Component reusability in React basically allows developers to redeploy the same digital objects.

The process is simple too! – developers, for example, can begin adding simple components such as buttons, text fields, and checkboxes and then move them to wrapper components, which are ultimately moved forward to the root component.

This approach provides better code maintenance and growth as each component in React has its own internal logic, which is easy to manipulate and as a result, boosts the productivity of application development.

It offers fast rendering

When you’re building a complex, high-load app, it becomes mandatory to define the structure of the app in the beginning since it can impact the performance of your app.

In simple words, the DOM model is tree-structured. So, a minor modification at a higher level layer can awfully impact the user interface of an application. To solve this, Facebook has introduced a virtual DOM feature.

Virtual DOM, as the name suggests, is the virtual representation of DOM that allows testing all changes to the virtual DOM first to calculate risks with each modification.

This approach, as a result, helps to maintain high app performance and guarantees a better user experience.

It comes with useful developer toolset

Learning emerging technologies and using them in real-life projects can be both fun and beneficial, but only if they are used correctly.

Facebook understands this, and it’s for this reason they have added much-needed React dev tools and Chrome dev tools to their React JS framework.

These React tools help developers discover child and parent components, observe component hierarchies, and inspect components’ present state and props.

Strong community support

One of the biggest reasons why you should choose React for front-end development is that it has very strong community support. A large community of React developers is making it better as it’s an open-source library and coders from around the world are helping people learn the technology in different ways.

ToolKit support

In the market there bunch of toolkits are available that can be used to start the upper level of development directly as the toolkit contains provides bundle of configuration and code of boilerplate.

Final Thoughts

Actually, one of the reasons why I believe React is better than other frameworks is that it has a larger community support and, great development tooling and it has tons of different libraries for every use case. Also, I should mention that React has maintained a much more stable API compared to Angular and Vue at this juncture.

From my perspective, these things make React the best choice for enterprise web application development.

But, React has some trade-offs too. Apart from the advantages of React that were mentioned above, React has some problems too:

  1. Too much boilerplate code to write
  2. Really complicated state management strategies
  3. Too easy to abuse its features and develop applications in a wrong way

Sometimes, it's worth to use React and sometimes it's not. I believe choosing a web app framework depends on the type of project. The framework that fits your project's needs is the perfect choice.

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