How to Create Classic Email Templates Salesforce

Arrify - Jun 5 - - Dev Community

Creating classic email templates in Salesforce Classic is a straightforward process.
Here's a step-by-step guide to help you create classic email templates:

Step 1: Navigate to Email Templates

  1. Log in to Salesforce: Go to your Salesforce Classic instance and log in with your credentials.
  2. Go to Setup: Click on your username in the top-right corner and select "Setup" from the dropdown menu.

Step 2: Access Classic Email Templates

  1. Find Email Templates: In the Setup menu, locate the "Communication Templates" section. Depending on your Salesforce setup, this section may be under the "Administration" or "Platform Tools" group.
  2. Open Classic Email Templates: Under "Communication Templates," click on "Classic Email Templates."

Step 3: Create a New Email Template

  1. Click New: On the Classic Email Templates page, click the "New Template" button.
  2. Choose Template Type: Select the type of template you want to create. You can choose between "Text," "HTML (using Letterhead)," or "Custom (without using Letterhead)." For a simple start, choose "Text" or "HTML (using Letterhead)."
  3. Enter Template Details: Fill in the details for your email template, including the name, subject, and folder where you want to save it.
  4. Compose Content: Enter the content of your email template in the provided text editor. You can use merge fields to personalize the template with recipient information.
  5. Preview and Test: Use the preview button to see how your template will appear to recipients. You can also send a test email to yourself to ensure everything looks correct.
  6. Save: Once you're satisfied with your template, click "Save" to save it.

Step 4: Use the Email Template

  1. Compose an Email: Navigate to the Emails tab or any other relevant location where you compose emails in Salesforce.
  2. Insert Template: When composing a new email, look for the option to insert an email template. This option is usually represented by a template icon or a dropdown menu.
  3. Select Template: Choose the email template you created from the list of available templates.
  4. Personalize (if applicable): If your template contains merge fields, Salesforce will prompt you to enter the relevant information to personalize the email.
  5. Send: Once your email is ready, send it using the usual method.

Step 5: Manage and Edit Email Templates

  1. Edit Templates: If you need to make changes to an existing email template, you can do so by navigating back to the Classic Email Templates section in Setup and selecting the template you want to edit.
  2. Organize Templates: You can organize your email templates into folders to keep them tidy and easily accessible.
  3. Delete Templates: If you no longer need a template, you can delete it from the Classic Email Templates section.

Refer to learn more about Classic Email Templates Salesforce

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