Our first 'Hello World' with VanJS, the new Mithril...

artydev - May 22 '23 - - Dev Community

Every UI framerwork deserves its 'counter' example...


import van from "https://vanjs.org/code/van-0.11.9.min.js"

const {button, div, h1} = van.tags

const points = van.state(0)

const inc = () => ++points.val 

function App () {
  return div (
    h1("Value : ", points),
    button({onclick : inc}, "INC") 

van.add(app, App())
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In the following example, the state is represented by an object instead of a single value, read the doc for more informations.
Beware the 'actions' object is my own 'business' and has nothing to do with VanJS.


import van from "https://vanjs.org/code/van-0.11.9.min.js"

const {button, div, h1} = van.tags

const State = van.state({
  value : 0

const actions = ((state) => {
  const s = state.val;
  return ({
    inc : () => {
      state.val = {...s, value : ++s.value}
    dec : () => {
      state.val = {...s, value : --s.value}

function App (state) {
  return div (
    van.bind(state, (s) => h1("Value : ", s.value)),
    button({onclick : actions.inc}, "INC"),
    button({onclick : actions.dec}, "DEC") 

van.add(app, App(State))

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And for the final : multiple counters :


import van from "https://vanjs.org/code/van-0.11.9.min.js"

const {button, div, h1} = van.tags

// I could have use an array of values...
// But I wanted to play with dynamic properties
const State = van.state({
  value0 : 0,
  value1 : 0,
  value2 : 0

const actions = ((state) => {
  const s = state.val;
  return ({
    inc : (index) => {
      state.val = {...s, [`value${index}`] : ++s[`value${index}`]}
    dec : (index) => {
      state.val = {...s, [`value${index}`] : --s[`value${index}`]}

function Counter(state, index = 0) {
   return div (
    van.bind(state, (s) => h1("Value : ", s[`value${index}`])),
    button({onclick : () => actions.inc(index)}, "INC"),
    button({onclick : () => actions.dec(index)}, "DEC") 

function App (state) {
  return div(
    [...Array(3)].map((_, index) => Counter(state, index))

van.add(app, App(State))

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Here is an optimised version, thanks Tao OpimisedMC

import van from "https://vanjs.org/code/van-0.11.9.min.js"

const {button, div, h1} = van.tags

const State = {
  value0 : van.state(0),
  value1 : van.state(0),
  value2 : van.state(0),
  value3 : van.state(0),

const actions = ((state) => {
  return ({
    inc : (index) =>  ++(state[`value${index}`]).val ,
    dec : (index) =>  --(state[`value${index}`]).val

function Counter (state, index) {
  return div (
    h1("Counter_", index, " : ", state[`value${index}`]),
    button({onclick : () => actions.inc(index)}, "INC"),
    button({onclick : () => actions.dec(index)}, "DEC") 

function App (state) {
  return Object.keys(State)
    .map((_, index) => Counter(state, index) )

van.add(app, App(State))

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