Web3 101 Organized by hack4bengal

Arup Matabber - May 24 - - Dev Community

What is Web3 ?

Web3 is a decentralized version of the internet that uses blockchain technology. It aims to give users more control over their data and online interactions, reducing the reliance on central authorities like big tech companies. Key components are Crypto, DeFi, NFTs.
NFTs : NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) are unique digital assets authenticated on a blockchain, often used to represent ownership of digital or physical items like art, collectibles, and virtual real estate within the Web3 ecosystem.
Cryptocurrencies : Crypto refers to cryptocurrencies, digital or virtual currencies secured by cryptography, like Bitcoin and Ethereum, which are foundational to many Web3 applications and transactions.
Metaverse : The metaverse is a collective virtual shared space, often enhanced by virtual and augmented reality, It's where users interact, create, with each other and digital environments, often through avatars, and trade using digital assets and cryptocurrencies.
Web 1.0 website example SpaceJam :- The "Space Jam" website is often cited as a quintessential example of a Web 1.0-era website. Created to promote the 1996 movie "Space Jam" , the website featured basic HTML CSS design, animated GIFs, and a limited amount of interactive content.
It's a nostalgic relic of the early internet, showcasing the simplicity and charm of websites from that era.
What is the point of an NFTs ?
The primary point of NFTs is to provide digital ownership and provenance of unique digital assets. NFTs allow creators to tokenize their work, proving authenticity and enabling direct ownership and transfer of digital items like art, collectibles,and virtual assets on blockchain platforms. They also open up new avenues for creators to monetize their digital creations and for users to engage with and invest in digital content in a secure and decentralized manner.
Roadmap :
• Understand- "why?"
1st we need to understand why do we need blockchain? Do we really need blockchain? Is it helpful? Is it actually going to help people? And if you think that it's actually not needed, don't do it.
• Start with the basics
Now we need to understand, what is blockchain? how does it work? we understand the basics. we understand the how, what's the stack of what's the architecture of a blockchain.
• Dont jump into the code
So we need to do point 1 and 2 and we need to be clear with why we want to be a blockchain developer or a web site developer. we should not do it, because there's a hype around Nfts going on.
• Jump into the code
Now, if we are completely sure that this is what we want to do, now we start developing. Now we start coding.
• Play around with a few verticals
We need to play around with the verticals , fine out what we want to do .
• Choose a vertical and master it.
go for one vertical, not more than one . Stick to one. Select one which we feel is what we are inclined to.
And it's a wrap up !!🚀
I'm immensely grateful for this learning opportunity🤗
Thank You @Varunx10for Introducing me to this 💙
and @hack4bengal Thanks for organizing this amazing session💙

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