Competitive Programming

Aryan - Jun 23 - - Dev Community

Are you going to your college or a school student thinking to start competitive programming? Well this is the right place for you, Today I will guide you how to start competitive programming and master it.

1. Choosing a programming language
Before starting competitive programming you should learn an OOP programming language, such as Python, C++, Java, etc. If you don’t know any programming language, you can start with any language you are comfortable with, I would suggest Python.

2. Practicing Problems

Now, you have learned a programming language. You can now start practicing problems on various competitive programming websites such as CodeForces , CodeChef , LeetCode .

You should start with the easier ones and then slowly increase the level of problems once you get comfortable.

3. Tips

Common mistake that you should avoid. You must give your best to the question and try to solve it by yourself, Check the solution/editorial only when you feel you can’t solve this problem.

Always use pen and paper while practicing problems. Just think of the logic and implementation of the question and then write it down on the paper. This will help you improve your logical thinking.

4. Give Contests

Give contests and try to solve as much questions you can before the contest ends. Try upsolving the problems that you couldn’t solve during the contest. It will help you improve.

Thank You!
