Trends in custom software development for 2024

Asad Bashir - May 28 - - Dev Community

The general software development approaches set to define the IT industry in 2024 encompass further integration of AI and ML technologies, utilization of blockchain, and multi-runtime microservices. Expanded application of AR and VR will also continue to shape the industry. Additionally, programmers will put a greater emphasis on cybersecurity and sustainable software development. We explore each of these trends in detail in this section.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning integration
AI and machine learning are not buzzwords anymore; they’re integral components of modern software development, setting new standards for functionality and performance. From predictive algorithms to automated code reviews, AI/ML technologies are enhancing efficiency and capabilities across various industries.

Developers are using AI-powered coding tools more and more. This not only speeds up the coding process but also helps reduce human errors. For instance, GitHub’s Copilot uses AI to suggest code snippets and entire functions to developers in real-time. Similarly, AI-driven analytics tools like Tableau are enabling businesses to gain insights from their data more efficiently than ever.

Undoubtedly, 2024 will be a year of further development and integration of these technologies, particularly in automating text, coding, and visualization tasks.

Blockchain beyond cryptocurrencies

Blockchain is finding its footing beyond cryptocurrencies. The surge in mobile applications prioritizing enhanced security and superior quality has led to an increased adoption of blockchain-based apps.

The essential characteristics of Blockchain-Oriented Software (BOS) systems include:

Data replication:

Data is duplicated and stored across thousands of systems, significantly bolstering data security.

Requirement verification:

Before proceeding with any transaction, BOS systems check the transaction requirements to ensure they meet the criteria for successful validation.

Sequential transaction logging:

BOS records transactions in a chronologically arranged log consisting of interconnected blocks set up through a consensus algorithm.
Public-key cryptography: The transaction process in BOS is based on public-key cryptography, ensuring secure and verifiable transactions.
However, blockchain has its limitations as well: scalability and energy consumption remain hurdles to its broader adoption.

Take a look at the collection of our posts on blockchain.

Multi-runtime microservices

Microservices architecture is a method of developing software applications as a suite of small, independently deployable, and modular services, each running in its own process and communicating with lightweight mechanisms, often an HTTP-based API.

In 2024, microservices architecture is expected to continue its growth, gradually evolving into multi-runtime microservices. This is also known as MACH architecture, a term created from the first letters of Microservices-based, API-first, Cloud-native, and Headless. MACH architecture allows different services to be written in various programming languages, to use different data storage technologies, and to be deployed on different runtime environments. This diversity in runtimes caters to the specific needs and characteristics of each service, enabling a more tailored and optimized approach for each component of the application.

The primary advantage of a multi-runtime microservices architecture is its ability to leverage the strengths of various technologies and platforms. For instance, a service that requires high computational power can be deployed on a runtime environment specifically designed for such tasks, while another service that deals with real-time data processing can utilize a different environment optimized for speed and low latency. This approach not only ensures that each service operates in its ideal environment but also facilitates easier updates and maintenance, as changes to one service do not necessarily impact others.

Additionally, multi-runtime microservices support a more agile development process, allowing teams to work on different services simultaneously without dependencies.

Cybersecurity at the forefront of 2024

The increasing sophistication of cyber threats has made security a critical aspect of software development for 2024. Integrating advanced security protocols and utilizing AI for threat detection are becoming standard practices. The focus is shifting from reactive to proactive security measures:

Emphasis on DevSecOps:

Companies are integrating security into their DevOps processes, creating a culture where security is a shared responsibility among all stakeholders. This approach ensures that security considerations are an integral part of the entire software development lifecycle.
Zero Trust architecture: The traditional perimeter-based security model is being replaced by the Zero Trust framework, which operates on the principle of “never trust, always verify.” This means verifying every user and device, regardless of whether they are inside or outside the organization’s network.
Increased use of encryption: With data breaches on the rise, there is a growing trend towards the use of robust encryption methods to protect data both in transit and at rest. Advanced cryptographic techniques, like homomorphic encryption, are gaining traction, allowing data to be processed while still encrypted.
Focus on secure code practices: There’s an increasing emphasis on training developers in secure coding practices. This includes regular code reviews, vulnerability testing, and using static and dynamic analysis tools to identify and mitigate security flaws during the development phase.
Rise of cybersecurity mesh: This concept refers to a flexible, modular approach to security, where each device gets its own security, like firewalls and network safeguards. It helps in creating a more responsive and adaptable security infrastructure, capable of handling the dynamic nature of modern cyber threats, making the whole network safer.

Further adoption of AR and VR

With AR and VR technologies becoming more accessible, demand for such applications is skyrocketing across multiple industries:

Education: VR transforms education, enabling interactive history, geography, and science lessons, and offering risk-free medical training through virtual surgery simulations. For example, through Google Expeditions and other educational AR apps, students can explore historical sites, dissect virtual animals, or examine 3D models of complex subjects.
Healthcare: For example AccuVein, an AR app, helps locate veins for easier needle insertion, and surgical planning tools that overlay 3D models onto a patient’s anatomy for precise surgical guidance.
Business: VR is increasingly used in business for prototyping, staff training, and customer service. In the real estate industry, companies utilize VR/AR to provide virtual property tours and AR apps to visualize how furniture or renovations might look in a space before making a purchase.
The exciting developments we look forward to in 2024, among others, include:

Hyper-realistic virtual reality: VR can now simulate real-world sensations, like the feel of rain or the smell of a summer meadow, blurring the line between virtual and reality. And this trend is set to grow.
Expansion of social VR platforms: Social VR platforms allow for real-time interactions, hosting virtual parties, attending concerts, and engaging in multiplayer games.
**Integration of AI in VR: **AI personalizes experiences by adapting to user behavior, creating dynamic environments that respond to individual preferences and actions.

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