Sharing state between unrelated React components

Alex - Jul 11 - - Dev Community

Want to show how you can share any serializable data between React components, e.g. client components in NextJS.

We have few unrelated components:

Example app UI

Let's create an object that will contain initial state

export const state: { count: number } = { count: 0 };
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We can store data in a WeakMap, state will be a key to access it. Also, will need a subscribers array.

const stateMap = new WeakMap<object, object>();
const subscribers: (() => void)[] = [];
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Now let's write a hook to subscribe to data changes.

export function useCommonState<T extends object>(stateObj: T) {
  // more efficient than `useEffect` since we don't have any deps
  React.useInsertionEffect(() => {
    const cb = () => {
      const val = stateMap.get(stateObj);
    // subscribe to events

    return () => {
      subscribers.slice(subscribers.indexOf(cb), 1);
  }, []);
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Now let's add logic related to get and set state

  // all instances of hook will point to same object reference
  const [state, _setState] = React.useState<typeof stateObj>(() => {
    const val = stateMap.get(stateObj) as T;
    if (!val) {
      stateMap.set(stateObj, stateObj)
      return stateObj
    return val

  const setState = React.useCallback((newVal: object) => {
    // update value
    stateMap.set(stateObj, newVal);
    // notify all hook instances
    subscribers.forEach((sub) => sub());
  }, []);

  return { state, setState };

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And now can use it in 3 components like

import { state as myState } from './state';

const { state, setState } = useCommonState(myState);

  onClick={() => setState({ count: state.count + 1 })}
  className="p-2 border"
// ...
Component A<div>Count: {state.count}</div>
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Final app

You can see how it works here
Or here
Or in github

Check out my library for NextJS based on this principle

Tnx for reading.

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