I’ve created performance-mark-metadata. This library provide performance.mark with custom meta data.
This library inspired by User Timing API Level 3 proposal. This proposal will add details as metadata to performance.mark.
Currently, Performance.mark() API can not add metadata to marking.
Old browser need to Performance.mark() polyfill.
Install with npm:
npm install performance-mark-metadata
Usage in Node.js
Node.js 8.5.0 introduce perf_hooks module. You can use this library by passing require("perf_hooks").performance to PerformanceMetadataMarker constructor arguments.
This example show actual usage.
You want to found performance problem on viewing the site. You can analyze the problem by using performance-mark-metadata.
It is useful for Real user monitoring(RUM). In development, you can use browser’s development tools, but it is difficult about RUM.
Mark points
- Mark current Frame Per Seconds(FPS)
- Mark each action like “onClick”
Record FPS
and record action
After that, you can get FPS and action logs.
You can get the log data and analyze the log data.
For example, visualize the log data by using C3.js.
You can found the relationship between “FPS” and “Heavy Task”. As a result, You can found that the performance problem is caused by “Heavy Task”.
- Example: https://azu.github.io/performance-mark-metadata/
- Repository: azu/performance-mark-metadata:
with custom meta data.
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