Hi everyone! My name is Henry and I'm a BSc Computer Science student currently approaching the conclusion of my first year at university (also, this is my first blog post 👋). The primary goal of this post is to discuss a feeling that I often get and to reach out to you all to see if it's common amongst my fellow computery people.
I've been programming properly for around 3 years now and I feel I have fairly extensive experience in VB.net (from college/high-school), Python and Java (both learnt on my current course). I love programming and the first year programming module has by all accounts gone really well, I even managed to achieve 97.5% on my latest Java project submission 😁🏆.
Despite this however, I still find myself worrying often that I'm not a "real developer" and would struggle in a professional environment, as I don't currently have any real-world experience in the field. I also don't have very much experience working on bigger projects. The programming projects I've had to do thus far on this course have been quite simple as it's an introductory module and I had over 2 years coding experience going in.
Is this an issue that any of you recall having at this stage in your developer careers? More specifically, did any of you feel this way at the start of university and if so did you feel better at the end? I'm hoping it's mostly an issue of confidence that will pass once I have some real-world experience under my belt.