Fri, October 28, 2022
This Week in Python is a concise reading list about what happened in the past week in the Python universe.
Python Articles
- Python 3.11.0 is now available – The release announcement of the new Python version
- Python 3.11: Cool New Features for You to Try – The new features in Python 3.11 with examples
- Python 3.11 is much faster than 3.8 – (but still slow compared to JavaScript or C++)
- Build a Python Program to Fetch Data About Any Country – article about the countryinfo package
- Python Charts – examples of Python graphs made with matplotlib, seaborn, plotly and other packages
- koda-validate – Typesafe Validation
- Twitter_Banner_Autoupdater – Twitter banner autoupdater using Tweepy Python module and the Twitter API
- django-pgtransaction – A context manager/decorator which extends Django's atomic function with the ability to set isolation level and retries for a given transaction
- katara – Synthesize CRDTs from classic data types with verified lifting
- puff – run (and extend) Python code as Rust greenlet (on Tokio)