It has been almost 4 weeks since I started developing palpatine. In this week I have added couple more features to support markdown files. If you missed the first post on palpatine, you can read it here. The static site generator I am building is a real world tool, so I want to make it efficient and my goal is to help users find information they need as quickly as possible. Palpatine now supports horizontal rule and inline code features to help you compose your interactive documentation with ease. See the demo with the new markdown features
Creating Topic Branches
Regarding the features I stated above, I initially filed separate issues Issue #9 and issue #10 and created separate branches for each feature. There are couple ways I know to create branches through terminal. One of them is;
git branch <branch-name> # creates a new branch
git checkout <branch-name> # switches to the new branch
This is the way I used to create branches. But I found out that there is a better way to create branches and switch to them in one command. The command is;
git checkout -b issue-10
This command little bit more efficient compared to the previous one. It creates a new branch and switches to it in one command.
After I created the branches, I started working on developing the markdown features. Adding the features I stated was not hard after all, I am trying make my code efficient than ever and clean.
Merge Time
After I finished the features, I merged the branches to the main branch
. I used the following command to merge the branches to the master branch;
git merge issue-10
The fun part was watching all changes from the different branches merge to the main branch. I achieved this smoothly without crashing any part of the code. I did not have any merge conflicts this time as I was careful about what I was changing and merging.