🚨 🚀 25 Reasons (You MUST Know!!) Why *Some* “Listicles” Are BAD for dev.to 🤯 👿 🚨

Best Codes - Dec 11 '23 - - Dev Community

Yes, the title of this post is an example of something like one of the many so called “Listicles” that have been littering the dev.to feed. With their titles full of emoji and words like “you must know” or “essential for any developer”, they entice our natural human curiosity.


Not all listicles are bad!

Follow these guidelines to create a good one:

  • Determine the purpose: Clearly define the purpose and objective of the listicle. What information or value are you trying to provide to the readers?

  • Select relevant emojis: Choose emojis that align with the content and contribute to the message you want to convey. Ensure that they are not overwhelming or distracting.

  • Provide meaningful content: Focus on creating informative and well-written text that provides value to the readers. The emojis should supplement the content rather than overshadow it.

  • Evaluate the overall impact: Before publishing, review the listicle to ensure that the use of emojis or potential clickbait text in the title enhances the reader's experience and supports the intended purpose of the article.

By following these steps, you can create a listicle that effectively incorporates as many emojis and “you must know” text as you want while maintaining the quality and substance of the content.

Clickbait on dev.to


Essentially, they are clickbait. These post appeal to something in human nature called “FOMO”.

What is FOMO?

FOMO stands for “Fear of Missing Out.” It is a phenomenon characterized by a feeling of anxiety or unease that comes from the belief that others might be having rewarding experiences or opportunities that one is not a part of. FOMO is commonly associated with social media and the constant stream of updates and activities shared by others.

What is “Emoji Baiting”?

Another thing that these posts are exploiting is something called “emoji baiting”. This concept is only recently being explored. It involves manipulating people's emotions on social media platforms with emojis like 🤯, 🚨, 👿, and 🚀. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an expert at this.

Why are these posts bad?
Because it is nearly impossible to find any good content!

As content creators, it's our duty to support the growth of our fellow developers in every way possible. In the comments below, let's discuss how we can accomplish this on platforms like DEV. I'd love to hear your perspective on this matter. How can we enhance the value of the DEV community and make it less overwhelming for all developers?
Remember, being an exceptional developer goes beyond having knowledge of every tool or resource available. It's about honing problem-solving abilities, fostering creativity, and embracing lifelong learning. Let's prioritize these fundamental skills, and the rest will naturally fall into place.

And, as promised, here are the 🚀 🚨 25 Reasons That “Listicles” Are BAD 👿 for dev.to 🤯 🚨. As you read the listicle, consider how it reflects what it is saying (it is, after all, a listicle itself)

Click to Expand & View List
  1. Shallow Content: Listicles and clickbait often prioritize brevity over depth, resulting in superficial coverage of topics.
  2. Lack of Context: They provide limited context or background information, leaving readers with a fragmented understanding.
  3. Oversimplification: Complex subjects may be oversimplified to fit within the list format, leading to misconceptions and misunderstandings.
  4. Clickbait Titles: Sensational or misleading titles are used to attract clicks, compromising the integrity of the content.
  5. Misleading Information: Listicles and clickbait may contain inaccurate or outdated information, leading readers astray.
  6. Lack of Credibility: Some lack reliable sources or references, making it difficult to verify the accuracy of the information presented.
  7. Content Repetition: Listicles on similar topics frequently have repetitive content, offering little value to readers seeking fresh insights.
  8. Lack of Depth: Due to space constraints, listicles rarely delve into complex or nuanced aspects of a subject.
  9. Discourages Critical Thinking: Listicles and clickbait offer spoon-fed information, discouraging readers from engaging in critical thinking and analysis.
  10. Neglects Alternative Perspectives: They typically present a single viewpoint, excluding diverse or conflicting opinions.
  11. Monetization Over Quality: Some prioritize generating revenue through ads rather than producing high-quality, informative content.
  12. Unrealistic Expectations: Listicles and clickbait can create unrealistic expectations by making broad claims or promises without proper support.
  13. Poorly Researched Content: Due to the rush to produce content quickly, some lack thorough research and fact-checking.
  14. Lack of Originality: Many recycle content from other sources without adding any unique value or insights.
  15. Oversaturation of Topics: Popular topics are often covered repeatedly, saturating the community with redundant content.
  16. Neglects Long-Form Writing: Listicles and clickbait overshadow long-form articles, diminishing the importance of in-depth analysis.
  17. Disincentivizes Learning: The bite-sized nature of listicles and clickbait can discourage readers from seeking comprehensive learning experiences.
  18. Decreased Attention Span: Constant consumption of listicles and clickbait can contribute to shorter attention spans and decreased focus on detailed content.
  19. Wasted Clicks: Listicles and clickbait may lure readers with enticing titles, only to provide shallow or unhelpful content.
  20. Loss of Nuance: Complex topics lose nuance when reduced to a numbered list, oversimplifying important details.
  21. Lack of Engagement: Listicles and clickbait regularly fail to generate meaningful discussions or community engagement due to their shallow nature.
  22. Reduced Creativity: They may stifle creative expression and originality, as writers feel compelled to conform to the list format.
  23. Diminished Writing Standards: The demand for quick listicles and clickbait can lower the overall quality and standards of writing within the community.
  24. Perpetuates Online Skimming: Listicles and clickbait contribute to a culture of skimming rather than deep reading, affecting overall comprehension.
  25. Devaluation of Expertise: They can undermine the expertise of subject-matter experts, as their insights are condensed or oversimplified.

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Thanks for reading!

Update Note:
You may have seen some of my posts, “11 AMAZING Bookmarklets for Web Devs 🔖 🚀 (What Are They, Anyway? 🤔)”, “6️⃣ Common Browsers: How Secure are They Really? 🔒 😯”, and “10 Fun Web Development Project Ideas for Bored Coders 👍”. I believe that these are not “listicles” or clickbait, as they aren't really shallow, and they have more than just a list. If you have a different opinion about any of them, please let me know how I can improve them!

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