Confidently Incorrect - Revisiting previous projects.

Bradley Hill - Jan 22 - - Dev Community

Confidently Incorrect since 1987

Personal Brief

So I have been learning how to code and broadly development since 2020, during the Covid-19 lockdowns, beginning with the classic triple threat of HTML/CSS/JavaScript, adding into the mix a dash of Python and since returning to live in France 2022 have committed to The Odin Project web-development program and happily began my full time formal learning with Ada Tech School in 2023. Now the search for my 12-month-long apprenticeship (Alternance, en français) begins, as well as continuing my self-study and side-projects.

Introduction to this series of articles

As I approach the end of my formal learning, I would like to take the time to look back at the projects that I have participated in over the course of my training.

6 mini-projects in total, of increasing complexity

  1. A simple 2D video Game - Using Pico-8 and a modified Lua language

  2. An exercise in Data Visualisation and using API's - Using JavaScript and Chart.js

  3. Navigator Extension called 'SweetWeb' for censoring words from sites - Using JavaScript and Manifest.json

  4. Simple Social Network - Using PHP and a predefined simple database.

  5. Used furniture e-commerce website - React was used for the front-end and express and node.js were used for the back-end.

  6. Microblogging platform - using PHP with Laravel as well as first time using a docker container.


Over the next few articles I plan to review and suggest, confidently, changes that could be made to improve the code and perhaps the approach to the project we had whilst working together as a group. All this is an exercise in self-reflection, and revisiting code that has been left behind, and to try and identify weaknesses and suggest changes that I would make now, with the benefits of hindsight and greater experience.

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