Vertical Pod Autoscaler in Kubernetes

BuzzGK - Aug 2 - - Dev Community

Kubernetes administrators face the challenging task of accurately rightsizing pod resource allocations to optimize cluster performance and cost efficiency. Manually adjusting CPU and memory values for pods is time-consuming, error-prone, and difficult to maintain, especially in large-scale deployments. The Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA) is a powerful Kubernetes component designed to automate the process of rightsizing pod resources based on historical usage data. By dynamically adjusting resource allocations, the VPA helps reduce operational overhead, improve application performance, and minimize wasted resources. In this article, we'll explore the VPA's architecture, installation process, and limitations to help you determine if it's the right tool for your Kubernetes cluster's autoscaling needs.

Understanding the VPA's Architecture

The Vertical Pod Autoscaler's effectiveness in rightsizing pod resources relies on the seamless collaboration of three core components: the Recommender, the Updater, and admission webhooks. Each component plays a crucial role in analyzing historical metrics, generating resource allocation recommendations, and applying those recommendations to the workload's schema.

The Recommender: Analyzing Metrics and Generating Recommendations

At the heart of the VPA lies the Recommender, responsible for calculating and modeling recommended pod resource values based on historical metrics. By leveraging the Kubernetes Metrics Server or Prometheus, the Recommender gains insight into pod CPU and memory utilization data. It maintains an in-memory record of the cluster's state, including details of all running pods and their relevant metrics.

The Recommender periodically recalculates resource allocations for pods based on up to 8 days' worth of metrics. Its primary goal is to minimize the risk of CPU throttling and out-of-memory (OOM) issues by setting appropriate pod request and limit values. The Recommender updates a custom resource called VerticalPodAutoscaler with the latest recommendations, allowing administrators to configure various scaling settings based on their requirements.

The Updater: Applying Recommendations through Pod Eviction

The Updater component is responsible for monitoring the VerticalPodAutoscaler object and identifying when a pod's resource allocations need to be updated to match the Recommender's recommendations. If the pod's utilization breaches the lowerBound or upperBound thresholds set by the Recommender, the Updater will initiate a graceful eviction process.

To apply the updated resource allocations, the Updater evicts a small number of pods at a time, allowing them to be replaced with new pods containing the recommended values. The Updater ensures that not all pods in a deployment are evicted simultaneously and implements a cooldown period to prevent unnecessary churn.

Admission Webhooks: Intercepting and Modifying Pod Schemas

The VPA utilizes Kubernetes admission webhooks to intercept and modify pod schemas before they are persisted into the cluster's data store (etcd). The VPA's mutating admission webhook intercepts all incoming pod creation and update events, injecting the updated resource values based on the recommendations stored in the VerticalPodAutoscaler object.

By leveraging admission webhooks, the VPA ensures that pods are deployed with the optimized resource allocations, eliminating the need for manual intervention and reducing the risk of human error.

Getting Started with the Vertical Pod Autoscaler

Implementing the Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA) in your Kubernetes cluster is a straightforward process that involves installing the necessary components and configuring the VPA to suit your needs. In this section, we'll walk through the installation process and explore how to verify that the VPA is applying recommendations correctly.


Before you begin, ensure that you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Git: Required for cloning the VPA repository
  • A Kubernetes cluster: The VPA will be installed and configured in your existing cluster
  • kubectl: The Kubernetes command-line tool for interacting with your cluster

Installing the Metrics Server

The VPA relies on the Metrics Server to scrape pod metrics, which are essential for generating resource allocation recommendations. To install the Metrics Server, run the following command:

kubectl apply -f
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This command will deploy the necessary components for the Metrics Server to function properly within your cluster.

Deploying the Vertical Pod Autoscaler

Unlike many other Kubernetes projects, the VPA is not available as a Helm chart. Instead, you'll need to clone the VPA repository from GitHub and deploy the manifests directly. Follow these steps:

  1. Clone the autoscaler project into your local directory:

    git clone
  2. Change directory into the VPA folder:

    cd vertical-pod-autoscaler/
  3. Execute the VPA deployment script:


The deployment script will create the necessary resources and components for the VPA to function within your Kubernetes cluster.

Verifying the VPA Installation

After executing the deployment script, you can verify that the VPA pods are running correctly by using the following command:

kubectl get pods -A | grep vpa
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You should see output similar to the following:

kube-system   vpa-updater-884d4d7d9-56qs
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This output confirms that the VPA components, including the Recommender, Updater, and admission webhooks, are running successfully within your cluster.

Understanding the Limitations of the Vertical Pod Autoscaler

While the Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA) is a powerful tool for automating pod resource allocation in Kubernetes clusters, it is essential to be aware of its limitations. Understanding these limitations will help you determine whether the VPA is the right fit for your specific use case and if it can effectively meet your requirements for pod rightsizing.

Cluster-wide Customization Settings

One of the primary limitations of the VPA is that its customization settings, such as safety margins for request recommendations and minimum CPU/memory allocations, are applied cluster-wide. This means that you cannot granularly configure these settings for individual workloads unless you introduce complexity by running multiple Recommenders in parallel. This lack of fine-grained control may be problematic for clusters running workloads with diverse resource requirements.

Limited Metrics Support

The VPA relies on the Kubernetes Metrics Server or Prometheus to gather pod utilization data for CPU and memory. While these metrics are essential for rightsizing decisions, they may not provide a complete picture of a pod's resource requirements. The VPA does not support the use of custom metrics or other performance indicators that could offer valuable insights into a pod's behavior and resource needs. This limitation may result in suboptimal resource allocation recommendations for certain types of workloads.

Potential for Service Disruption

The current implementation of the VPA requires pod replacement to apply updated resource allocations. This process involves evicting and recreating pods, which can lead to temporary service disruptions. Although the VPA attempts to perform these updates gracefully by evicting only a small number of pods at a time and implementing a cooldown period, there is still a risk of impacting application availability. It is crucial to consider the potential impact on your services and plan accordingly when deploying the VPA.

Lack of Horizontal Scaling Integration

The VPA focuses solely on vertical scaling, which involves adjusting the resource allocations of individual pods. It does not integrate with horizontal scaling mechanisms like the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA), which dynamically adjusts the number of pod replicas based on resource utilization. The lack of integration between vertical and horizontal scaling can lead to suboptimal resource utilization and may require manual intervention to strike the right balance between pod sizing and replica count.

In-place Resource Updating (Alpha Feature)

Kubernetes is currently developing an "in-place" resource updating feature that would allow the VPA to adjust pod resource allocations without requiring pod replacement. However, this feature is still in the alpha stage and is not yet production-ready. Until this feature is stabilized and widely available, the VPA will continue to rely on pod replacement, which may not be suitable for all environments or use cases.

By understanding these limitations, you can make an informed decision about whether the VPA is the right tool for your Kubernetes cluster's autoscaling needs. Consider your workload requirements, service availability constraints, and the level of control you need over resource allocation settings when evaluating the VPA's suitability for your environment.


The Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA) is a valuable tool for Kubernetes administrators seeking to automate pod resource allocation and optimize cluster efficiency. By dynamically adjusting CPU and memory resources based on historical usage data, the VPA helps reduce operational overhead, improve application performance, and minimize wasted resources.

Understanding the VPA's architecture, which consists of the Recommender, Updater, and admission webhooks, is crucial for effectively deploying and configuring the VPA in your Kubernetes cluster. The installation process, while not as straightforward as using a Helm chart, is still relatively simple and can be completed with a few commands.

However, it is essential to be aware of the VPA's limitations before deciding to implement it in your environment. The lack of fine-grained control over customization settings, limited metrics support, potential for service disruption during pod replacement, and the absence of integration with horizontal scaling mechanisms may impact the VPA's effectiveness in certain use cases.

Despite these limitations, the VPA remains a powerful tool for automating pod rightsizing in Kubernetes clusters. By carefully evaluating your workload requirements and considering the VPA's strengths and weaknesses, you can determine whether it is the right solution for your specific needs. As Kubernetes continues to evolve and new features like in-place resource updating become production-ready, the VPA's capabilities and effectiveness will likely continue to improve, making it an even more valuable addition to your Kubernetes autoscaling toolkit.

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