Make your own Pomodoro Application with Python

Buzzpy šŸ’” - Dec 8 '23 - - Dev Community

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Hello buzzdies! I bet, most of you have heard enough about Pomodoro Technique, a time management method. In case you havenā€™t, lemme explain.

The Pomodoro technique is invented by Francesco Cirillo, around the 1980s. It encourages people to work with the time they haveā€”rather than against it. Using this method, you break your workday into 25-minute chunks separated by five-minute breaks. These intervals are referred to as ā€œPomodoroā€. The diagram below explains it further.

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This technique is for everyone, including programmers and developers as well. But working according to Pomodoro using a regular clock or alarms is very disturbing so itā€™s always better to have some software. And itā€™s much better if we can develop the software ourselves!

Yup, you got the point. This tutorial is on how to make a Pomodoro Application using Python, with User Interface. Move on šŸ˜‰

In case you're in a hurry, the source code can be found in this GitHub repository. Open for PRs!

Visit Github Repo

Getting Started

First, we should import the librariesā€” math for calculations and tkinter for GUI. Since these are pre-installed, we can import them directly.

From tkinter import *
Import math
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Basic UI

Interesting part first, letā€™s build the user interface.

Defining Global Constants

When working GUI, itā€™s a good practice to define global constants for properties like Color, Font types and sizes and etc. The following code does the job.

PINK = "#f81365"
RED = "#e7305b"
GREEN = "#9bdeac"
FONT_NAME = "Barlow Condensed"
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Setting Up

Weā€™re going to use an ordinary Tkinter window, size 100 x 50. And the constant variables we declared in the previous part are used here.

window = Tk()
window.config(padx=100, pady=50, bg=GRAY)
title_label = Label(text="Timer", fg=PINK, bg=GRAY, font=("Barlow Condensed", 50))
title_label.grid(column=1, row=0)
canvas = Canvas(width=200, height=224, bg=GRAY, highlightthickness=0)
# highlightthicknes is used for making the highlight disappear
tomato_img = PhotoImage(file="tomato.png")# use your path
canvas.create_image(100, 100, image=tomato_img)
timer_text = canvas.create_text(100, 110, text="00:00", fill="black", font=("Barlow Condensed", 35, "bold"))
canvas.grid(column=1, row=1)
# count_down(5)
# x and y values are half of the width and the height
start_button = Button(text="Start", highlightthickness=0, command=start_timer, bg=PINK, font=("Barlow Condensed", 10))
start_button.grid(column=0, row=2)
reset_button = Button(text="Reset", highlightthickness=0, command = reset_timer, bg=PINK, font=(FONT_NAME, 10))
reset_button.grid(column=2, row=2)

check_marks = Label(text="āœ“", fg=GREEN, bg=GRAY)
check_marks.grid(column=1, row=3)

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You may have seen that we used an Image of a Tomato in the above code. The image can be downloaded from the GitHub repository

Donā€™t hurry to test this code as itā€™s not ready yet! There are some functions and variables which arenā€™t been declared yet. So it is time to move to the next part,

Declaring Functions

First, we will finish the logical part. Here, we need three major functions. reset_timer start_timer countdown

Letā€™s start with the Reset function. But before that, we need to declare some more values as global constants, like below:

reps = 0
timer = None

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Note: the value reps is used for governing the timing section of work and breaks and counting them.



In this function, we need to do to following things: Reset the timer text to 00:00 Cancel the timer Reset reps to 0 Delete the checkmark(used for counting no: of working time sections) We use the following code to do all of these.

def reset_timer():
   canvas.itemconfig(timer_text, text="00:00")
   global reps
   reps = 0
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Awesome! Now letā€™s move to the next part.


Compared to the Reset function, the Start function is somewhat lengthy as it does some more tasks, such as below:

  • Add +1 to reps the variable Defining Long breaks and Short breaks.
  • Converting minutes to seconds

The following code can do all the above:

def start_timer():
   global reps
   reps += 1
   work_sec = WORK_MIN * 60
   short_break_sec = SHORT_BREAK_MIN * 60
   long_break_sec = LONG_BREAK_MIN * 60

   if reps % 8 == 0:     # If it's the 8th rep
       title_label.config(text="Break", fg=RED)

   elif reps % 2 == 0:     # If it's the 2nd/4th/6th rep
       title_label.config(text="Break", fg=PINK)

       title_label.config(text="Work", fg=PINK)

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Awesome! But weā€™re not ready yet, we have to write another function for counting down.


In this function, we need to do the following tasks:

  • Count down and change the text accordingly.
  • Put check marks for each work session.

Hereā€™s the code we can use for these purposes.

def count_down(count):
   count_min = math.floor(count / 60)
   count_sec = count % 60

   if count_sec < 10:
       count_sec = f"0{count_sec}"
   canvas.itemconfig(timer_text, text=f"{count_min}:{count_sec}")
   if count > 0:
       global timer
       timer = window.after(1000, count_down, count - 1)
       marks = ""
       work_sessions = math.floor(reps/2)
       for _ in range(work_sessions):
           marks += "āœ“"
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Awesome! Believe it or not, weā€™re done with our Pomodoro Application. Here are some screenshots how what it looks like:

Default Window

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On break...

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In this short tutorial, we created an awesome-looking and simple Pomodoro application that can boost your productivity at work. The source code can be found in below GitHub repository,

View Repository
Donā€™t forget to fork, star, and contribute! Also if you have any questions or feedback, drop them in the comments.

Happy Coding!

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