How can a Node.js development company help me with my project?

Cache Merrill - May 7 - - Dev Community

Having a company that offers node.js as a core service line adds value in a few ways that differ from hiring a single freelance node dev. From my experience in technology here is what I have seen as pro's and con's.


  • A company will vet out talent. If I go straight to upwork I will have to test and try many people before landing on top talent. A company has a full HR staff to help with that and pair down your candidates.
  • A company will have backup: If your freelancer is sick or leaves or stops performing you are out of luck and have to start over. With a company they will cover for the dev, create KT if there is a transition etc.
  • A company can offer more strategic advice. If you want to ask higher level questions about planning, architecture or launch strategy your freelancer isn't very helpful but other leads in a company organization like founders, project managers and tech leads all have opinions and advice for your project.


  • A company will not be as affective if you have very niche challenge. You can often find a freelancer for a very specific problem and they can solve it very quickly.
  • A company will usually be looking for a longer term commitment or at least prioritizes it. A freelancer usually is ok without long term contract and is happy with no commitment.
  • With a freelancer there is no real sales process so it is pretty straight forward to dive right into your issue.
  • With a freelancer it is usually easy to setup and get going because you hired them for a very specific problem. So they get up and going very quickly.

For more about hiring a node.js company check out these faq's by Zibtek.

Also, Node.JS is benchmarking 20k concurrent sessions. Check out the stats, it is performing really well.

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