Navigating the Web3 Wave: Gen Z's Rally for Digital Empowerment

Calyptus - Jan 15 - - Dev Community

Did you know that the first global study to measure Gen Z’s attitudes towards Web3 found that 52% wanted their schools to teach them more about the virtual and digital environments in which many find themselves when not in class?

This revelatory statistic, uncovered by New York-based Boss Beauties, signifies a significant gap in the educational landscape, setting the stage for a closer examination of how the current generation perceives and navigates the digital realms that have become integral to their daily lives.

This study, encompassing individuals aged 16 to 25 and their parents across seven countries, offers a contemporary and comprehensive look at the knowledge gaps, perceived risks, and the envisioned future of Web3.

The Maturing Web3 Ecosystem:

In the context of this transformative era, where the internet is undergoing a decentralisation metamorphosis known as Web3, it is no surprise that the youth is keen on obtaining a deeper understanding of the digital landscapes that extend beyond their classroom walls.

The appeal of Web3 lies in its promise of decentralisation, transparency, and user-centric experiences, shaping the future of how information is accessed, transactions are conducted, and trust is established in the digital domain.

Global Acknowledgment of Prospects:

The Boss Beauties study, spanning across seven countries, underscores a global acknowledgment of the immense potential intrinsic to Web3. The desire for increased education on these virtual and digital environments extends beyond geographical boundaries, reflecting a universal recognition that the skills required to navigate this decentralised landscape are crucial for future success and participation in the evolving digital economy.

Transitioning Talent and Educational Paradigms:

In tandem with this growing awareness, the study sheds light on the evolving expectations of educational institutions, revealing a generation in transition, with recent university graduates and young professionals actively seeking Web3 careers, including Web3 internships. The call for increased education on these subjects within academic institutions suggests a desire for a more comprehensive and forward-looking educational paradigm that equips students with the digital literacy necessary for the Web3 era.

Web3 Careers: Beyond Superficial Enthusiasm:

This transition is not merely a career shift; it is a paradigmatic move towards active participation in the construction of a decentralised future. As young talents globally vie for blockchain engineer jobs, projects at the forefront, such as Polkadot, Chainlink, Filecoin, Arweave, and Ethereum 2.0, are becoming magnets for diverse skills and innovative minds. The specialised expertise demanded by these projects exemplifies the unique skill set required in this dynamic field.

Among the platforms facilitating this evolution is Calyptus, a Web3 hiring and education platform for senior engineers, leveraging AI to streamline interviews and significantly reduce the time from application to landing a blockchain job.


Demand for Web3 education within academic institutions is a recognition of the critical role digital literacy plays in navigating the complexities of the evolving digital space. As Gen Z envisions a future intertwined with the decentralised potential of Web3, schools must adapt their curricula to equip students with the knowledge and skills required to navigate this transformative era.

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