Hault - launch ai customer support with a click

Captain jay - Jun 24 - - Dev Community

This is a submission for the Twilio Challenge

What I Built

Hault is an open-source software that helps connect database that contains information about your business and FAQs that help you automate customer support using AI.


  • The project is mainly a WhatsApp bot which you can scroll down and host via one click deploy on render by pressing Deploy on render and the user can talk to the application via WhatsApp to whatever number you have configured on twilio.

  • In my case, you can check the bot out right now by messaging me at (+13476958493)
    Since the number is blocked because of WhatsApp verification problem you can check the website out and try the project to do so you will need to log in via Google and you will need to ask the admin permission via email at capja778@gmail.com
    then head over to https://hault.vercel.app/login

  • I keep it as raw as possible so that the people using this project find it easy to host and edit the website too.
    Here are some of the screenshots of the application

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3

How to host the software for your business?

:1. First get the following authentication token and api keys from the following services

  • Google Gemini API key
  • Airtable account Table id, base id, api key
  • Twilio account sid , phone number and auth token

well actually i added 2 AI servuce that is gemini and workers ai which can be switched using LLM variable set to either GEMINIAI or WORKERAI.But for ease we will use gemini ai for now.

Same for database plan was to in corporate Mongodb too but we are only gonna use Airtable for now so set UI as AIRTABLE

For twilio you will need to create a whatsapp sender by purchasing a number, then create a service there you will choose the number, then in integration section choose webhook and add the call back url as


in status add


we will get the url after deployment

So overall you will need these values

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Let everything else stay empty or add "123" as a dummy value when inputting in the deployment.

:2. Go to my repo https://github.com/captain0jay/Hault
and click the deploy on render button

Image description

:3. Then you will be redirected to render website where the values we got will be inputted

Image description

:4. Then just press launch button and your application will be live and your customers can start messaging and take the benefit of AI customer support

:5. One last step as we discussed earlier that in console.twilio.com -> messaging -> service -> your_created_service -> integration

the call back url as


in status add


  • here add your_url as the one that you got in hosted application see below image as reference

Image description


So you can check the bot out right now by messaging at (+13476958493) and ask about Hault that is the project itself.
Since the number is blocked because of whatsapp verification problem you can check the website out and try the project to do so you will need to login via Google and you will need to ask the admin permission via email at capja778@gmail.com
then head over to https://hault.vercel.app/login

Below is the repo

GitHub logo captain0jay / Hault

Hault is an AI-powered platform designed for businesses and professionals to easily showcase their products and services using AI. With intuitive database management and seamless WhatsApp integration, Hault enhances customer engagement and automates support using advanced AI technologies like Gemini and Workers AI.



AI Customer support and buisness launch software

Host it online

Install locally
Request Feature

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Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. About The Project
  3. Getting Started
  4. Demo
  5. Installation
  6. Usage
  7. Roadmap
  8. Contributing
  9. License
  10. Contact


  • The project is mainly a WhatsApp bot which you can scroll down and host via one click deploy on render by pressing Deploy on render and the user can talk to the application via WhatsApp to whatever number you have configured on twilio.

  • In my case, you can check the bot out right now by messaging me at (+13476958493) Since the number is blocked because of WhatsApp verification problem you can check the website out and try the project to do so you will need to log in via Google and you will need to ask the admin permission via…

Tech stack

For backend - Nodejs
For frontend - Nextjs, Shadcn
Main services - Twilio
AI - Gemini
Database - Airtable

Twilio and AI

Twilios whatsapp and SMS functionalities were very helpful in making the software as the code required is very minimal

I connected airatble database and fetched the details from the database feeding it to Gemini AI and then final step was to give response back to twilio after webhook is called and all it took for twilio to connect is 5 lines of code

router.post('/message', async (req, res) => {

    const userMessage = req.body.Body || "hi";
    const twiml = new MessagingResponse();

    let response = await getChat(userMessage);

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Additional Prize Categories

My submission qualifies for Twilio Times Two, Impactful Innovators

Thanks for reading till the end :)

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