Tools that I use for work

Carlos Estrada - Feb 10 - - Dev Community

The tools that I use every single day at work as a fullstack developer.

First of all I use Windows as OS for my local development.

The list of tools in short are the next one:

  • Laragon
  • Visual Studio Code
  • DBeaver
  • Postman


What better description for laragon that the one in their website

Laragon provides you a modern & powerful development environment that countless people love

And that's true, laragon it's easy and really fun to work with, one of my task in my job is to work with legacy projects made using laravel or vanilla php, it's really easy to setup different versions of php, or have a really easy way to work between project versions.

Visual studio code

My code editor and the tool that I just use single day, the 365 days of the year, so yeah, just my go to if I have to work with code, no matter the language, framework, etc.


My database manager of choice, I really like the easy way to compare two databases and get the differences between them, the general layout and support for the database ecosystem it's really nice.


For making request to the apis that I'm working on and for collaborete with my cowokers it's really nice.

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