Embracing Struggles: My Journey Through the Outreachy Internship

ccokeke0023 - Jun 17 - - Dev Community

Everybody struggles in life every now and then. Struggling is a part of life. It doesn’t matter what other people think or say; it all depends on our perspectives. Our personal struggles are shaped by our unique experiences and challenges. Often, we might feel lazy or unmotivated, but struggles indicate that we need to push beyond our current limits. However, it's crucial to channel our efforts correctly because doing more of the wrong activities can lead to even greater challenges. Always remember, the struggle you face today is paving the way for a brighter tomorrow.

To God be the glory, this is the third week of my internship period. When I first contributed to my project, I was incredibly nervous. I didn't have the confidence to believe I could succeed, and being a beginner only heightened my anxiety. Initially, I struggled to understand the concept of Share and Resources in Manila. Despite my nerves, one of my core values, dedication, kept me going. I refused to give up and dedicated myself to studying the project documentation and learning how everything worked. My perseverance paid off, and I found my contribution period to be fruitful. By the end of this period, I gained a lot of confidence and learned valuable skills, such as effective Googling and seeking help from my mentors and the community.

During the internship, I had my first video call meeting with my mentors,Ashley, Carlos, and Goutham. It was a wonderful experience to connect with them beyond email or chat. With their proper guidance, I successfully completed my tasks. They provided a thorough demo of the entire project and explained the concepts of Share and Resources in Manila in detail. Thanks to their support, I was able to quickly get started on my first task.

Looking back, I see how my initial struggles were essential for my growth. They taught me resilience, the importance of dedication, and the value of seeking help when needed. Struggles are a universal experience; everyone faces them at different points in their lives. What matters is how we respond to them. By embracing the challenges and persevering, we can achieve great things.

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