Frontend Technologies

enthusiastic developer - Jun 27 - - Dev Community

Comparing Svelte and Vue.js:


In frontend development world they are different and numerous frameworks and libraries that a developer can chose from. While ReactJS remains a popular choice and used by many developers and popular companies like Instagram ,Skype and Airbnb.Niche frameworks like Svelte and Vue.js offer unique features and advantages. This article delves into a technical comparison of Svelte and Vue.js highlighting their differences and what makes each of them appealing.

Svelte: The Cybernetically Enhanced Framework

Svelte is a relatively new framework that has gained traction for its radical approach to building user interfaces. Unlike traditional frameworks that perform much of their work in the browser Svelte shifts this work to the build step.

Key Features:

  • No Virtual DOM: Svelte compiles components into highly efficient imperative code that directly manipulates the DOM resulting in faster updates and reduced overhead.
  • - Reactive Programming: Svelte’s reactivity model is built into the language making state management straightforward and intuitive.
  • - Simplicity: The framework promotes simplicity and minimalism with less boilerplate code and a more approachable syntax. Pros:
  • Performance: Direct DOM manipulation means faster load times and better runtime performance.
  • Bundle Size: Smaller bundle sizes due to the elimination of runtime overhead.
  • Developer Experience: Clear and concise syntax making it easier for developers to learn and use.


  • Ecosystem: As a newer framework Svelte has a smaller ecosystem compared to more established frameworks.
  • Community Support: Limited community resources and third-party libraries. A code snippet of how you start its project
  1. npm create svelte@latest myapp
  2. cd myapp
  3. npm install
  4. npm run dev

Vue.js: The Progressive JavaScript Framework

Image description
Vue.js created by Evan You...has become a favorite among developers for its flexibility and ease of integration. Vue can be adopted incrementally making it suitable for both small projects and large-scale applications.

Key Features:

  • Virtual DOM: Vue uses a virtual DOM for efficient rendering and updates.
  • Reactivity System: Vue’s reactivity system is robust, providing a seamless way to manage state and updates.
  • Component-Based Architecture: Encourages a modular approach, making code more reusable and maintainable.
  • Comprehensive Ecosystem: Vue offers a rich set of tools, including Vue Router for routing and Vuex for state management.


  • Flexibility: Can be used for simple projects or as a full-fledged framework for complex applications.
  • Community and Ecosystem: Strong community support and a wealth of plugins libraries and tools.
  • Learning Curve: Gentle learning curve with excellent documentation and tutorials.


  • Performance: Slightly larger bundle size compared to Svelte though still very performant.
  • Complexity: Can become complex when scaling up especially with state management in larger applications.

How you can start a vue.Js project

  1. cd your-project-name
  2. npm install
  3. npm run dev

What Makes Each Framework Stand Out?


  • Performance and Efficiency: Ideal for projects where performance and small bundle size are critical.
  • Modern Approach: Appeals to developers who prefer a modern, compile-time approach to building web applications.


  • Versatility and Maturity: Suitable for a wide range of applications with its robust ecosystem and community.
  • Developer-Friendly: Known for its ease of use and comprehensive documentation making it accessible to developers of all skill levels.

#My HNG Internship Expectations with ReactJS
At HNG, where ReactJS is the framework of choice I am excited to dive deeper into frontend development, building scalable and efficient applications. I look forward to leveraging React's component-based architecture and virtual DOM for creating dynamic user interfaces. This internship is a fantastic opportunity to enhance my skills, collaborate with other passionate developers and contribute to impactful projects.
At HNG working with ReactJS I am eager to embrace the challenges and opportunities ahead enhancing my expertise in frontend development and contributing to innovative solutions.


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