Backing Up MongoDB Data: A Comprehensive Guide to mongodump and mongoexport

Chetan Gupta - Jun 28 - - Dev Community

When managing MongoDB databases, having reliable backup and export strategies is crucial to safeguard your data and facilitate data analysis, migration, or sharing. In this blog post, we will explore two essential MongoDB tools: mongodump and mongoexport. We’ll cover how to use these tools effectively to back up and export your MongoDB data.

Introduction to MongoDB Tools
MongoDB provides several tools to manage and interact with your databases. Among these tools, mongodump and mongoexport are specifically designed for backing up and exporting data.

  • mongodump: This utility creates a binary backup of your MongoDB database.
  • mongoexport: This utility exports data from a MongoDB collection to a JSON or CSV file.

Installing MongoDB Tools
Before using these tools, ensure you have the MongoDB tools installed. You can install them using a package manager or by downloading them from the MongoDB Download Center.

For Ubuntu users, install MongoDB tools with the following command:

sudo apt-get install mongodb-org-tools
Using mongodump for Backups
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Basic mongodump Usage
mongodump creates a binary export (BSON) of the data in your MongoDB database. Here’s a basic example of how to use it:

mongodump --db myDatabase --out /path/to/backup
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This command will back up the myDatabase database to the specified directory.

Filtering Data with mongodump
You can filter the data to back up using the --query option. For example, to back up documents created between 2024-04-01 1:00 AM and 2024-04-01 2:00 AM, use the following command:

mongodump --db myDatabase --collection myCollection --query '{"creationDate": {"$gte": {"$date": "2024-04-01T01:00:00Z"}, "$lt": {"$date": "2024-04-01T02:00:00Z"}}}' --out /path/to/backup
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Specifying Read Preference
To ensure the backup is taken from a secondary node, you can specify the read preference:

mongodump --db myDatabase --collection myCollection --query '{"creationDate": {"$gte": {"$date": "2024-04-01T01:00:00Z"}, "$lt": {"$date": "2024-04-01T02:00:00Z"}}}' --readPreference '{"mode": "secondary"}' --out /path/to/backup
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Automating mongodump with a Script
Here’s a shell script that automates the mongodump process for a specific time range:


# Define the start and end times

# Perform the mongodump with the query filter using the indexed column
mongodump --db myDatabase --collection myCollection --query "{\"creationDate\": {\"\$gte\": {\"\$date\": \"$start_time\"}, \"\$lt\": {\"\$date\": \"$end_time\"}}}" --readPreference '{"mode": "secondary"}' --out /path/to/backup

echo "Backup completed for documents from 2024-04-01 1:00 AM to 2:00 AM using indexed column creationDate."
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Save this script as, make it executable, and run it:

chmod +x
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Using mongoexport for Data Export

Basic mongoexport Usage
mongoexport is used to export data from a MongoDB collection to a JSON or CSV file. Here’s a basic example of exporting data to a JSON file:

mongoexport --db myDatabase --collection myCollection --out output.json --jsonArray
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Filtering Data with mongoexport
You can filter data to export by using the --query option. For example, to export only documents with a specific status:

mongoexport --db myDatabase --collection myCollection --out output.json --jsonArray --query '{"status": "active"}'
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Specifying Fields
You can specify which fields to export using the --fields option:

mongoexport --db myDatabase --collection myCollection --out output.json --jsonArray --fields "field1,field2,field3"
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Automating mongoexport with a Script
Here’s a shell script that automates the mongoexport process:


# Define database, collection, and output file names

# Export data from MongoDB collection to JSON file
mongoexport --db "$db_name" --collection "$collection_name" --out "$output_file" --jsonArray

echo "Export completed: $collection_name from $db_name to $output_file"
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Save this script as, make it executable, and run it:

chmod +x
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Both mongodump and mongoexport are powerful tools for managing MongoDB data. Whether you need to back up your entire database or export specific data for analysis, these utilities provide the flexibility and control required for effective data management. By automating these processes with scripts, you can streamline your workflows and ensure your data is always safe and accessible.

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