Setting Up Redis as a Message Queue: A Step-by-Step Guide

Chanh Le - Sep 10 - - Dev Community

In our previous discussion, we introduced the concept of Message-Oriented Architecture (MOA) and its importance in building scalable, resilient systems. Today, we’ll delve deeper into one of the key components of our system: Redis as a Message Queue. Specifically, we’ll explore how Redis can be configured to handle alarm messages by queuing essential metadata and storing full message details separately as hashes.

Why Use Redis as a Message Queue?

Redis is a powerful choice for a message queue, particularly in systems where speed and simplicity are paramount. Here’s why Redis excels in this role:

  • High Performance: Redis operates entirely in-memory, making it capable of handling high volumes of messages with low latency.
  • Efficient Data Handling: By storing essential metadata (like message IDs) in the queue and full details in separate hashes, Redis minimizes memory usage while maintaining the speed and efficiency of message delivery.
  • Scalability: Redis supports clustering and sharding, allowing the system to scale as message volumes grow.
  • Flexibility: Redis can be tailored to fit various queuing models, including FIFO (First-In, First-Out) and more complex workflows.

Understanding the Message Structure

In our project, the Redis message queue is designed to hold minimal information about each alarm message, such as:

  • Message ID: A unique identifier for the message.
  • Sender ID: The ID of the device that generated the alarm.
  • Signal Code: A code representing the type of alarm being handled. This code comes from a predefined list that indicates whether it’s a fire alarm, security breach, or other critical event.
  • Criteria Index: A reference to criteria on the source device.

The full details of each message, including its state, phase, destination, and TTL (Time-to-Live), are stored in Redis as a hash, with the key being the message ID prefixed by message:. To prevent the full message hash from growing indefinitely, an expiration time is set for the hash equal to the TTL of the message.

Setting Up Redis as a Message Queue

Step 1: Installing Redis

If Redis isn’t already installed on your system, you can easily set it up:

For Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install redis-server
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For macOS:

brew install redis
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After installation, start the Redis server:

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You can interact with Redis using the Redis CLI:

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Step 2: Configuring Redis for Queuing and Storing Messages

In this setup, Redis lists are utilized to create a FIFO queue. The list stores minimal metadata about each message, and the full message details are stored in a Redis hash.

  1. Push Message Metadata to the Queue:

    • Use the LPUSH command to add metadata to the queue:
     LPUSH alarm_queue '{"id":"msg123", "sender_id":"deviceA", "signal_code":"12345", "criteria_index":1}'
  2. Store Full Message Information in a Hash and Set Expiration:

    • Use the HMSET command to store the full details of the message in a Redis hash, and then set the expiration for the hash based on the TTL of the message:
     HMSET message:msg123 state "new" phase "initial" destination "center1" ttl 3600
     EXPIRE message:msg123 3600

This ensures that the full message information will automatically expire and be removed from Redis after 3600 seconds (1 hour), matching the TTL of the message.

  1. Consume Message Metadata from the Queue:

    • Retrieve and process message metadata using the RPOP command:
     RPOP alarm_queue

The metadata retrieved can then be used to fetch the full message details from the corresponding hash.

Step 3: Implementing Producers and Consumers

Message Producer:
Here’s a simple Python script that acts as a producer, pushing metadata into the Redis queue and storing the full message details in a hash with an expiration:

import redis
import json

r = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)

# Example metadata to push into the queue
message_metadata = {
    "id": "msg123",
    "sender_id": "deviceA",
    "signal_code": "12345",  # From a predefined list
    "criteria_index": 1

# Push metadata to the queue
r.lpush('alarm_queue', json.dumps(message_metadata))

# Store full message details in a hash and set expiration (TTL)
ttl = 3600
r.hmset(f"message:{message_metadata['id']}", {
    "state": "new",
    "phase": "initial",
    "destination": "center1",
    "ttl": ttl

# Set expiration for the hash based on TTL
r.expire(f"message:{message_metadata['id']}", ttl)

print("Message metadata pushed to the queue, full message details stored in Redis, and expiration set.")
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Message Consumer:
A basic consumer script would look like this:

import redis
import json

r = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)

while True:
    # Blocking pop to wait for new messages
    metadata = r.brpop('alarm_queue')
    message_info = json.loads(metadata[1].decode('utf-8'))

    # Retrieve full message details from Redis
    full_message = r.hgetall(f"message:{message_info['id']}")

    print(f"Processing message ID: {message_info['id']} from sender: {message_info['sender_id']}")
    print(f"Full message details: {full_message}")
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Step 4: Scaling and Optimization

As your system grows, Redis can be scaled to handle increased message volumes:

  • Sharding: Distribute your queues across multiple Redis instances.
  • Clustering: Use Redis clustering to spread the load across multiple nodes.
  • Optimized Data Handling: Consider using Redis Streams if you need more advanced features like message IDs, groups, and consumer tracking.

Step 5: Monitoring and Maintenance

Monitor your Redis instances regularly using tools like redis-cli, Redis Sentinel, or third-party monitoring solutions to keep track of key metrics such as queue length, memory usage, and latency.


Using Redis as a message queue, particularly when storing minimal metadata in the queue and full message details in hashes, is an efficient way to manage the flow of alarm messages in a message-oriented architecture. By setting expiration on the full message hashes, matching the TTL, you ensure the system remains clean and avoids uncontrolled growth. The signal code, coming from a predefined list, indicates which kind of alarm is being handled, allowing for specific actions based on alarm type. With Redis, the system remains lightweight, scalable, and fast. In the next post, we’ll dive into how to manage the full lifecycle of these messages, including state management, TTL, and delivery guarantees.

Stay tuned!

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