experience in phase 4

chimichimi123 - May 31 - - Dev Community

SO phase 4 has kinda been more than a little rough, lots of personal stuff going on in my life and I've been very distracted not to mention the literal tornadoes and loss of power for like a week, but I do actually like the material we're going over in phase 4, I used a little bit of it in phase 3 on accident when I was making my final project, I didnt have a very good understanding of it then, but I think I learned a lot more about it now and am much more comfortable with it.

all that being said I have been stuck on this final project for a while now, I've been working non stop on it but I have this terrible habit of overcomplicating my code and doing things that aren't required, in this case its kinda gone too far I kept looking for complicated fixes to problems that I cause by using complicated code and it just became too much of a web, I've completely restarted it a few hours ago trying to start from the beginning and keep it simple, but I cant get the frontend requests to work, like my login feature is just supposed to make a post request to /login on the backend but /login on the backend just doesnt work and I dont know how to fix it I have tried so many different things now, but I just cant get it, I probably messed up something small and accidentally covered it up or just never noticed it.

I'm hoping its something simple atleast then when I talk to you I can quickly finish up everything after you help, but if not I'm making sure all of my other assignments are completed and ready to go

I kinda wanna restart again and just do everything as basic as possible and what I know but I think I'm a little too short on time for that, I wasted so many hours stuck on something and was just way too stubborn to move on without fixing it, actually now that im thinking about it I need to quickly get rid of the token based authorization I got set up, I really cant explain it well at all, I just followed a guide online, only used it because I thought maybe it was my password hash that was causing an issue and wanted to try an alternative

thats everything though I just wanted a short break from coding to ramble a bit, I really like the content in phase 4 though

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