Understanding Git Tags and Checkout

CiCube - Nov 4 - - Dev Community



Knowing how to checkout Git tags is important for developers who want to manage key points in their project history. Tags are an important way to mark places in your history, especially releases of your software. In this article, I will take you through how checkout tag works, exploring remote and local versions and troubleshooting some common errors. Whether you want to know how to create a branch from a tag or how to upgrade to the latest version, this tutorial will equip you with the knowledge to manage Git tags with confidence.

Understanding Git Tags

In Git, a tag is specifically used to mark certain points in your history where you want to remember a release or something important. They generally give you a point-in-time snapshot of your code so that you can easily refer back to them and roll back to those points if needed. Unlike branches, which continue to evolve, a tag is static and always points to that particular commit and state of the repository.

This paves the way for tags being incredibly useful for tracking your software so that you can revert back to any release without any confusion.

Tag creation is relatively straightforward. You create a tag by issuing the command git tag <tag_name>. That command takes any point in your Git history and calls it a tag. To list your existing tags, you could execute git tag to see all available tags in your repository. If you want to include a message or to have an annotated tag, run git tag -a <tag_name> -m 'Tag message' for clarity and future reference. Managing of tags is very important as well. Note that for deleting a tag locally, it is git tag -d <tag_name>, but when the tag exists remotely, you'll have to delete that on the remote with git push origin :refs/tags/<tag_name>. Knowing how to create and manage tags will go a long way toward making your use of Git more effective and your project management easier.

Checking out Specific Tags

Checking out a particular Git tag is quick, but it's an important thing to do when doing version control. First, make sure you have all of the most recent tags from your remote repository. You can achieve this with:

$ git fetch --all --tags
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This command fetches all tags, so that you can see which ones are available. Once you have the tags updated, in order to check out a particular tag, run:

$ git checkout tags/<tag_name> -b <new_branch_name>
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Replace <tag_name> with the tag you want to check out and <new_branch_name> with desired name for new your branch.

For example, to inspect the tag v1.0 and at the same time create a new branch named v1.0-branch, you would use the following command:

$ git checkout tags/v1.0 -b v1.0-branch
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Not only does this method check out your working directory to the tagged state, but it also allows you to make changes without affecting the original tag, which is an important part of keeping clean version management. Remember, checking out a tag directly will result in a detached HEAD state; hence, it is always recommended to create a new branch from the tag to ensure better practice.

Retrieving And Managing Remote Tags

Next, the chapter covers using remote tags in Git, which will be very important as teams collaborate, keeping version changes effectively. First, perform fetching the remote tags from the repository by using the following command:

git fetch --tags
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This will fetch all tags from the remote repository. The output will look something like this:

Fetching origin
From git-repository
98a14be..7a9ad7f  master     -> origin/master
* [new tag]       v1.0       -> v1.0
* [new tag]       v2.0       -> v2.0
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After fetching, you can list all the available tags using:

$ git tag
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This will display a list of all tags, helping you decide which one to check out. To work on a specific remote tag and create a new branch, use:

$ git checkout tags/<tag_name> -b <new_branch_name>
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For example,

$ git checkout tags/v1.0 -b v1.0-branch
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The following command checks out the tag v1.0 and then creates a new branch named v1.0-branch. In this way, you get an enabled to make changes while preserving the original tag state. It is good practice to handle remote tags carefully since they then will be important in version control.

Checking Out the Latest Git Tag

In this section, I'm going to show you how you can checkout the latest Git tag. The first thing we want to do is update our local repository by fetching the tags from the remote repository. You can do that with this command:

$ git fetch --tags
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If all went well you should see output showing tags obtained from the remote:

Fetching origin
From git-repository
98a14be..7a9ad7f  master     -> origin/master
* [new tag]       v1.0       -> v1.0
* [new tag]       v2.0       -> v2.0
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Now that we have pulled all available tags, it's time to determine the latest tag. We can find this with the git describe command combined with git rev-list:

$ tag=$(git describe --tags `git rev-list --tags --max-count=1`)
$ echo $tag
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The output will indicate the most recent tag, such as:

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Finally, to check out the latest Git tag and create a new branch from it, you will run:

$ git checkout $tag -b latest
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This command checks out the v2.0 tag and creates a new branch called latest. You should see the following:

Switched to a new branch 'latest'
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To confirm that you are on the right path, execute:

$ git log --online --graph
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You should see output similar to:

* 7a9ad7f (HEAD -> latest, tag: v2.0) version 2 commit
* 98a14be Version 2 commit
* 53a7dcf (tag: v1.0) Version 1.0 commit
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Now you are ready to develop the next version of your code!

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Troubleshooting Common Errors

In this section, I'll discuss some of the common errors one may experience when attempting to checkout Git tags. In many cases, a better understanding of an error message and the possible root cause of that error can lead to solving the problem much faster.

  • error: pathspec 'tagname' did not match any file(s) known to git. This usually means, that this tag does not exist or it is misspelled. You can check if a given tag exists by listing all available tags with:
  $ git tag -l
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If the intended tag does not appear, double-check the spelling.

  • fatal: You are not currently on a branch. This will happen if you've checked out a tag, but didn't create a new branch. If you checkout a tag, git will put you into a "detached HEAD" state. To get out of that state, checkout a new branch starting from the tag:
  $ git checkout -b <new_branch_name> tags/<tag_name>
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  • Error: 'Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do not have locally.' This message means that your local repository is behind the remote. You can fix it by first fetching the latest changes from the remote:
  $ git fetch --all
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Then merge or rebase as needed.


Most of the tag-related issues boil down to correctly providing tag names or being on a valid branch when changes are being committed. Always make sure your local repository is up-to-date with the remote to avoid conflicts.

In this chapter, I will be giving some pointers on best practices that can keep Git tags at bay - or rather, working for you.

  1. Keep the Tag History Clean: Cleanup existing tags from time to time. This is to get rid of redundant or unnecessary tags. This will clean up local tags using git tag -d <tag_name>, while remote tags should be removed with git push --delete origin <tag_name>.
  2. Use Meaningful Naming Conventions: Stick to any one naming convention so that they are recognizable in an instant. For example, name them according to version number such as v1.0, v2.1, etc., or name versions intended for special releases.
  3. Organize Releases: Make sure that major releases, minor updates, and patches all have clear differentiation under your tagging system. You can even use tag annotations for giving more context on the release by running git tag -a <tag_name> -m 'Release notes'.
  4. Inform Your Team: Make sure you're informing your team about tagging conventions so that users don’t get confused. Discussion on items of tagging and revision of the tagging strategy during routine meetings can be helpful.
  5. Keep Yourself Up-to-Date: You should run this often to fetch tags as well from remote repositories. Make sure you have retrieved the most up-to-date tags using the command git fetch --tags. Follow these practices, and you will go ahead and improve your Git workflow with regards to your development team in general.


In short, mastering Git tag checkout increases your potential to cooperate effectively and manage smooth versioning of your project. Knowing how to check certain tags out, how to create a new branch, and how to troubleshoot some basic issues will help you iron out your development. Expressly, keep your tags organized; regularly update them from your remote repository so you have a solid base when working in a development workflow.

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